
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Three blog milestones

Since this blog should pass three milestones this month, I might as well combine all of them in this post.

Sometime today, both this blog and Yoni's blog will hit the 50,000 hit mark (according to Site Meter, which seems more accurate than the inflated StatCounter figures.) The only difference is that it took me almost two years hit this milestone, while Yoni is doing it on his third day.

This gives me a healthy dose of humility, after my recent flirtation with the semi-big time. I had a few days with over a thousand hits, so fully one-third of my total hits have come about only in the past six weeks.

On August 15, I will hit my two-year blogoversary. The blog has evolved from exclusively a news linker to what is now almost exclusively original content. I am gratified that there are people out there who actually read what I have to say, and seem to enjoy it.

And also later this month, if current trends continue, I should write my 2000th post.

I am most proud of the money I've been raising for Israel in the "Elder Challenge" (a rotten name that I hope to replace as soon as I find a new one.) So thanks again to everyone who has donated, and please take the latest "Elder challenge" to have your money donated to Israel matched, dollar for dollar. The more generous can also offer to sponsor an upcoming phase.

Thanks again to everyone for dropping by!