
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The PLO's Human Rights Department ignores any human rights violations by the Palestinians - it is only about Israel

The Department of Human Rights and Civil Society in the Palestine Liberation Organization issued its annual report to the UN today, on "the human rights situation in Palestine under occupation for the year 2024."

It handed the report over to the United Nations office in Ramallah.

The mandate of the department is "to protect and promote individual and collective Palestinian human rights, and to protect and defend these rights in all their forms inside Palestine and in the diaspora in accordance with the rules of international humanitarian law and to promote the system of relevant Palestinian laws."

It sounds like it is concerned about human rights under Palestinian rule, doesn't it?

So it is funny that all of its published reports only talk about Israel. Its webpage only talks about alleged Israeli violations. 

Not one word is written about Palestinian suppression of freedom of expression or unlawful imprisonment or torture in PA jails.  Not in its 2021 annual report, nor 2022, nor the one released today.

This is yet more proof that the entire purpose of Palestinian nationalism is not to build an Arab state  nation but to destroy the Jewish state. 

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"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)