
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

UN accredited NGO has been accusing Israel of inflicting a "holocaust" on Palestinians since at least 2008

The International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD) is a non-governmental organization in special consultative status with the UN. It issues reports every year or so to the UN that is filled with pure Jew-hatred.

It routinely compares Israeli Jews to Nazis. For example, this submission to the UN from August 2008:
Have Jews everywhere forgotten the terrors of the Holocaust to such an extent, as to allow Israel to pursue, and inflict one on the Palestinian people

...Unseen, and most times, unheard, because of the great Israeli lobby that would accuse us, vilify us, of anti-Semitism if we did report the grave violations. Let us, once and for all, catch on to this game plan, because for all that it is, it is simply just: an old and abused attempt at utilizing the feeling of guilt amongst some to inflict another holocaust on innocent Palestinians and to deny access to the present truths.

To those of us, to whom much has been given, much is expected! The present day Holocaust of the Palestinian people, their dignity, and their struggle for freedom will not be cancelled, as the Jewish Holocaust was not, from history. Basic humanity impels us to make a stand, to shout from the roof-tops- NOT AGAIN, NO MORE!
EAFORD accused Israel of inflicting a "holocaust" on Palestinians even the first Gaza war with Hamas, making direct comparisons between the Jewish Israelis and the Nazis. 

And it repeated this blood libel in other submissions. For example, in 2014: "It is appalling that Israel, after the tragic Holocaust history of the Jews in Europe, has turned the Jewish legacy from a victim of the Nazi racist ideology into a victimizer."

Its embracing of antisemitic tropes goes back even further. In 1986, EAFORD gave their highest honor to the crackpot Paul Findlay's book on the Israel lobby, They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby.  (The entire book is on the EAFORD site.)

The UN gave EAFORD an award as a "peace messenger" the following year.

A look at EAFORD's history explains its antisemitism.

EAFORD was launched during the International Symposium on Zionism and Racism held in Tripoli, Libya in 1976, under the auspices of that human rights paragon the Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi. 

Gaddafi is widely believed to have bankrolled EAFORD, which moved to Geneva. The NGO soon became accredited to the UN and gave a pretense of caring about other topics than Israel, but every submission it makes to the UN is condemning Israel.

EAFORD was also heavily involved in the infamously antisemitic Durban UN conference in 2001.

Who funds EAFORD nowadays?

Officially, the UN must receive reports on the funding of the NGOs it supports. EAFORD says on its website, "In compliance with the requirements applied to all non-governmental organizations with Consultative Status, EAFORD submits regular reports to the ECOSOC Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations regarding the sources of its funding." 

I asked both EAFORD and ECOSOC for copies of these reports, and they ignored my queries.

This is just a small example of how anti-Israel NGOs end up gaining respect and prestige even when their origins and continuing work show that they are the ones who support discrimination and bigotry while pretending to fight against them. 

EAFORD is an antisemitic organization by any sane definition of antisemitism. The UN's elevating EAFORD shows that the UN is no better.

Buy EoZ's books  on Amazon!

"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022)