A Harvard CAPS/Harris poll was just released, and it shows that Americans remain strongly pro-Israel.
Taken on January 15-16, the survey asked 2,650 US voters a series of questions about the political environment ahead of President-elect Trump's inauguration today.
One question asked how favorably Americans judged a series of institutions:
Israel is seen more favorably by Americans than the European Union, CNN. MSNBC and X. The gap of favorable over unfavorable is better for Israel than the US Supreme Court, the Department of Justice and Fox News. (If you calculate the percentage of favorable answers over all people who held an opinion, Israel also edges Facebook.)
Given the huge amount of anti-Israel reporting and coverage of anti-Israel events for the past 15 months, this is pretty remarkable.
Another response is perhaps even more surprising:
A higher percentage of US voters 18-24 say they support Israel than any other age group under 55!
The pattern of younger people becoming more and more anti-Israel appears to have been broken by Gen Z.
This is something worth investigating. Did the pro-Hamas college encampments turn them off? Are they now getting most of their news from social media and therefore not as exposed to the toxic hate from the mainstream media? Is hasbara actually working for the first time in decades?
I hope some organizations look at this further (and I wish I had the resources to do this myself.)
(h/t JW)
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