
Monday, September 30, 2024

Newest conspiracy theories to explain Israel's attacks in Lebanon: Jews control genies! Jews are descended from blue-blooded space aliens!

I wrote a week ago, after the pager bombs, "To people in Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran, Israel is a supernatural jinn - it knows where they are, it knows what they say, it knows what they are thinking and are about to do." I said that even as they hate Israel and Jews, at least they should be in awe of them.

I was more right than I thought.

Iran International writes that an Iranian cleric figured out that the only way Israel; could have killed Hassan Nasrallah is by using the services of jinn (genies): 
"Considering the Zionists' history of subjugating genies, they carry out many of their missions through this means, and demons are their secret army," said Iranian Shia seminary teacher Mostafa Karami in a televised interview, referring to Israel's killing of Hassan Nasrallah.

But Karami isn't the only Muslim to invoke the supernatural to explain Israel's unbelievable success over the past two weeks.

A columnist for Turkey's Anadolu'da Bugun by Ramazan YĆ¼ce has a completely different explanation:

I don't know if there is a superior race in the world, but there is talk of a blue blood. The only thing I know about blood so far is red blood. I don't know if there is blue blood, if this is a mythology. ....

In mythology, especially in Sumerian tablets, there are two types of beings mentioned. One is earthly, the other is a species that came from outside the world. They are also called aliens. It is even stated that aliens stayed on earth for a while, ruled the place, were treated as semi-divine, had relations with some women here, had children from this relationship, these aliens had more knowledge than people on earth, taught some knowledge than people on earth, taught some information to people, those who came from space left the earth after Noah's flood, and those who rule the earth today are those born as a result of relations between aliens and some women on earth.

In the book of Enoch (Idris), it is circulated in the virtual world that 200 fallen angels descended from the sky to the earth and had sexual intercourse with women, that their father was a fallen angel and their mother was earthly people, that they were called by the name  Nephilim in the Torah and giants in other sources, that they had blood mixed with blue and red. ...

Now let's come to the half-alien, half-earth human type. These are called blue blood. They consider themselves the superior race. It is written that the 13 richest people who have a say in every field such as capital, technology, science, trade etc. are also blue blood and that they direct everything in the world.

This blue color, which means superior race, is also reflected in the flag colors of some countries. For example, one of these countries is the flag of Israel. There is blue on the top and bottom, white in the middle, and a Star of David depicted on the white. 

Today, despite their small numbers, Jews are far ahead of other nations, especially in capital, technology and science. They have strong lobbies in every country. Their intelligence is also strong. Perhaps the majority of those who have won new inventions and Nobel Peace Prizes are all Jewish. Perhaps the 13 richest people who own 80% of the world's capital today are also Jewish. It is also a fact that everything that is happening in the Middle East today is being done for Israel's security. The weakening and de-statement of Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Libya, which are potential threats to Israel, under the name of the Arab Spring, is an example of this. Israel's destruction of Gaza despite the reaction from the world and the fact that no one can speak out against it can also be given as an example.

All of this makes one wonder whether Jews are a superior race or whether they see themselves as a superior race.
Both of these are reactions to Israel's brilliant attacks against Hezbollah. As I had quoted Arthur C. Clarke, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." we are seeing this is literally true - the Israel haters are seeing Israel's accomplishments as superhuman, and therefore magical.