
Monday, September 16, 2024

Evidence mounts that Hamas was manipulating polls in Gaza: Only 6% of Gazans would vote for Hamas; half want to leave

Last month, the IDF reported that they uncovered a memo written by Hamas about how the terror group had manipulated a PCPSR poll in March to make Hamas appear much more popular in Gaza than it really was. Moreover, the memo indicated that Hamas' information manipulation of all data in Gaza is far more extensive than anyone had realized.

As usual, Israel haters are skeptical about any IDF claims, pretending that the Israelis are making things up. 

And as usual, the IDF claims are supported by other facts. 

In this case, a more recent poll by AWRAD, the Arab world for Research and Development, shows that contrary to PCPSR polling, Hamas popularity in Gaza is lower than it ever was.

In the poll taken last month and released on September 8, AWARD found that only 6% of Gazans would vote for Hamas if legislative elections were held today.

Gazans hate Hamas, but they are still in fear of the group.

One other interesting finding: Half of Gazans would like to leave Gaza if they could.

Gazans who can leave are no in danger. yet "human rights" groups are adamantly against allowing Gazans to take refuge in other countries.

You will never find any human rights group against anyone leaving any country for safety, economic or any other reason especially in wartime. With the only exception of Gaza.

Of course, they frame that refusal to allow Gazans to be able to make their own decision as to where they want to live as "human rights," too.  Funny how human rights groups can contradict themselves so easily without anyone calling them out.

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Read all about it here!