
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Today is my 20th blogoversary

My first posts on this blog were on August 15, 2004.

At first my posts were just links to news articles, sometimes with a one-line intro. It took a few months before things evolved to my writing original articles. But on Day 2, I posted this series of photos I took and stitched together of Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. (There were no panoramic photo options on cell phone cameras then. In fact, I probably used an old digital camera, not a phone at all, to take these photos.)

As I note in my FAQ, I started writing about Israel a couple of years earlier in Yahoo message boards. I soon realized that my well-reasoned arguments were only visible to a few people for a few hours before they would scroll off the screen, and I started blogging to make them a little more permanent. 

Over the years, I've posted nearly 42,000 articles, essays, commentary, original analysis, many scoops, cartoons, memes, videos, song parodies, posters, at least one play parody, an original Haggadah, historical research, webcasts, original artwork, AI-derived artwork, awards shows and more on Israel, the Arab world, Judaism and more. Not to mention hosting guest posts and columns, as well as the best daily list of links on Israel and Jewish related topics anywhere on the web from the incomparable Ian. 

Elder of Ziyon gets millions of readers a year. It has also spun off a Twitter/X account with over 100,000 followers, as well as a Facebook, Instagram pages and a couple of YouTube channels. I've given lectures in the US and Israel, and  I've been quoted in many major media over the years. I've met with fellow online warriors and interviewed newsmakers. I've won awards, and articles have been written about me. 

Being anonymous - and using the name I use - limits my popularity to some extent, but EoZ is definitely influential. Many if not most of the popular social media personalities also follow me. 

I am humbled at the support I receive. I appreciate all words of support and, of course, donations and purchases of my book. 

Thank you to all my fans all my supporters, all my columnists and writers and contributors, and the community in the comments section. 

I never imagined I'd be doing this for twenty years. My wish is that one day the media would do what I do and this site would be utterly redundant. 

Until then, let's enjoy the ride. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!