
Monday, August 26, 2024

The best Hezbollah chicken memes - and the Gaza chicken story that no one is covering

Hezbollah is being roasted mercilessly on social media for its "henocidal" attack on Israel Sunday morning that only managed to kill several chickens.

Some of the memes are really funny.

However, there was another chicken story from the region this past month that the media missed.

Fresh chickens are being imported into Gaza.

Gaza restaurants - yes, there are open restaurants in Gaza - have been offering chicken this month, at quite reasonable prices.

The Elomda Restaurant in Deir al Balah offers chicken and shawarma.

Sara and her friend went to a shawarma restaurant in southern Gaza a week ago.

Takeout chicken in northern Gaza earlier this month.

Chicken for a family outing at the beach in early August.

Making schnitzel in Gaza (although the processed chicken is from a can)

The Thailandy restaurant in central Gaza  has been offering shawarma to hundreds of customers this month.

The evil Israelis are sending their non-kosher chickens to Gaza (the Hebrew sticker says they are "treyf.")

The price is less than $2.50 a pound.

In late July, Al-Marai al-Taibeh meat and fish importers showed huge pallets filled with fish and poultry imported from Israel.

Gaza doesn't exactly look like sub-Saharan Africa. 

All of this comes from the incomparable Imshin who follows Palestinian social media and brings stories that are way too difficult for the professionals to publish.

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