
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

President Biden believes Hamas disinformation. This makes him a very poor President.

At his speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, President Biden said something shameful.
And we’ll keep working to bring hostages home and end the war in Gaza and bring peace and security to the Middle East. As you know, I wrote a peace treaty for Gaza. A few days ago, I put forward a proposal that brought us closer to doing that than we’ve done since October 7th. We’re working around the clock, my Secretary of State, to prevent a wider war and reunite hostages with their families and surge humanitarian health and food assistance into Gaza now, to end the civilian suffering of the Palestinian people and finally, finally, finally deliver a ceasefire and end this war. 

Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides.
No, the protesters do not have a point. There is only one party responsible for the deaths of innocent people in Gaza and in Israel, and that is Hamas. The protesters spread Hamas propaganda to incite hate against Israel and the Jews who support Israel.  

The only point they have is antisemitism. 

Geoffrey Corn, a former U.S. Army Judge Advocate Officer, and Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula (Retired), published an article about the Gaza war in The Cipher Brief yesterday that was exceptionally clear-headed in analyzing both the war and Israel's incredible behavior within this war. It is the story of Gaza that is almost never reported in the media, and comparing what they say after visiting Gaza and what the President said last night shows the  huge disconnect between how experts look at the war and how it is being reported and described by the media and even by the highest government officials.

Their conclusion is one of the best descriptions of the war I've seen:
Our group left with two overriding impressions. First, is that the disconnect between the reality we observed, and the public perception of Israeli military operations is truly unfortunate. ...[I]t is primarily the result of fighting an enemy that never sought military victory, but instead sought to use the narrative of civilian casualty excess as its primary ammunition for a strategic information campaign to discredit and isolate Israel. ... For the IDF, information is a supporting effort to combat. For Hamas, combat is a supporting effort to information. Hamas has exploited false-assumptions and distorted narratives to great effect in that delegitimization campaign. Countering this is no easy task, but it must begin with more effective explanations of the reality of combat against such a capable and adaptive enemy.

Second, our concern is how this Hamas playbook may be replicated by future enemies of democratic states. Those enemies are learning that the most effective way to turn the public against a righteous war is to create conditions that maximize—not reduce—civilian casualties. Unless people understand that when fighting an enemy who has no regard for its own civilians—who often put civilians in harm’s way—responsibility for those casualties lies at the feet of the illicit enemy, civilians will be in greater risk than ever before. Even worse, the armed forces tasked to achieve specific military effects may find themselves hobbled by those who are incapable of drawing the distinction between the bomb that caused the casualty and the enemy who is truly responsible for that suffering.
This is not primarily a kinetic war. It is a cognitive war. And to a large extent, the President of the United States has fallen victim to Hamas' disinformation campaign. 

Every time that Israel is blamed for Gaza's civilian casualties, or for delays in bringing in humanitarian aid, or for Gazans being forced to relocate to save their lives, is a victory to Hamas in its cognitive war. 

It is the President's job to understand world events and how they affect the United States. It is up to the President to communicate the reality to the American people, not to parrot the lies of the terrorists and their useful idiots in the media. Joe Biden may believe he is pro-Israel, even that he is a Zionist. But his castigation of Israel - for the deaths of Gaza civilians Hamas has embedded itself among and under, for supposedly limiting aid into Gaza when they are doing more to facilitate aid than any nation in history ever provided to their enemy, and indeed for fighting to ensure that Hamas is no longer a threat to Israeli civilians - indicate that he does not understand the reality and is influenced by the most depraved terrorists on the planet.

Biden's speech to the DNC is proof that Hamas propaganda has infiltrated the highest levels of the US government. Any government that believes the lies of a terrorist group - even partially - and that allows national policy to be influenced by that propaganda, is incompetent and a threat to America itself. 

What is more scary is that Biden is choosing someone who is far more incompetent to succeed him. 

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