
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Islamic Jihad admits two of the dead members of their Tulkarm Battalion were children

Islamic Jihad issued a press release that proves both its own immorality.

The Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, announced to our struggling Palestinian people and to the Arab and Islamic nations its heroic knights in the Tulkarm Battalion and its formations.

The Al-Quds Brigades stated in a press statement, on Tuesday evening, that the martyrs are the martyr leader Mujahid: Muhammad Al-Sheikh Yusuf (Abu Al-Muhandis), one of the field commanders in the Tulkarm Battalion, the martyr cub Mujahid: Adnan Ayser Jaber, one of the Mujahideen of the confusion unit affiliated with the Tulkarm Battalion, and the martyr cub Mujahid: Muhammad Alian, one of the Mujahideen of the confusion unit affiliated with the Tulkarm Battalion.
"Cub" means "young boy." And indeed, those two children were 15 and 16 years old, respectively.

The "confusion unit" is meant to distract Israeli troops with fireworks, flash bangs and burning tires to protect the more heavily armed adult terrorists. 

This isn't spontaneous demonstrations by local youth: they are recruited as part of the battle. And since they are on what Islamic Jihad considers the front lines, they are treated as cannon fodder - their lives are not only expendable, but their deaths are strategic.

Amnesty, HRW and the UN will never condemn Islamic Jihad for purposefully sacrificing children. Because they want to make sure that they can count these "mujahadeen" as "children" in their databases, and by mentioning that they were engaged in military activities at the time, that would ruin their entire goal of demonizing Israel. 

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Read all about it here!