
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Abbas couldn't visit Gaza when Hamas was in full control. Now he is asking "genocidal" Israel to allow it. Doesn't quite fit the narrative, does it?

Palestinian authority president Mahmoud Abbas said he is ready and willing to go to Gaza.

In 2014, Abbas told reporters he would visit Gaza when the time was right. 

Yet he hasn't stepped foot in Gaza since 2007. And the reason is simple: Hamas didn't want him.

Now, last week, Abbas again expressed his desire to visit Gaza. This time, according to reports, he even sent a letter requesting permission from the the Israeli government to allow him to travel there. 

It seems Abbas believes that when Israel controls large parts of Gaza, he will be safer visiting than he would have for the past 17 years.

But I thought Israel was committing "genocide" in Gaza! Why would Abbas feel secure that Israel would protect him? 

The UN says it is too dangerous to deliver food. But it is still safer for the Fatah leader to visit now than when Hamas had full control!

That isn't the only irony here. For example, if he would have visited in the past, there is no way he'd go through Israel because asking Israel's permission makes him look weak. He would have gone through Egypt. But Egypt shut down the border crossing because they don't want to look like they are partnering with Israel, so Abbas has to be shamed by asking Israel for permission.

I doubt that the visit would happen, unless the US pressures Israel to have a ceasefire ahead of time and for the duration. Israel wouldn't agree without the release of some hostages. Hamas will not do that. So chances are this will be forgotten just as Abbas' previous plans to visit Gaza have been/ 

But it shows that Abbas knows very well that there is no slaughter, no genocide, no indiscriminate bombing by Israel in Gaza. 

Otherwise, if he felt his life was in danger, he would never even consider going. 

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