
Sunday, July 07, 2024

Ramallah based Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics publishes very specific Hamas lies

For months, the Gaza health ministry claimed that 70% of those killed in Gaza were women and children.

But they stopped making that claim around the beginning of May.

The UN stopped making that claim around the same time, after looking at detailed MoH records that showed that the percentage was far lower for the "martyrs" that they claimed to have documented, and even if every one of the "undocumented" people were women and children the numbers still wouldn't add up.  

But there is one Palestinian organization that still claims 70% of the dead are women and children: the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

The PCBS still publishes specific statistics about women and children supposedly killed. 

As far as I know, the only official place the Gaza health ministry publishes its information is its Telegram account.  If it had these detailed statistics on women and children, it would publish them.

PCBS claims that its source for these numbers are the ministry of health and UN OCHA (which in turn gets its statistics from the same health ministry) - so why aren't the supposed sources reporting these numbers?

Where does the PCBS really get its information from? 

There is only one source for these statistics: the Hamas-run Government Media Office. 

They don't get their statistics from the health ministry - they give the statistics to the health ministry, which is forced to claim that the differential in the two sets of total "martyrs" is that they "don't have complete documentation" for the 10,000 they cannot account for. 

The media office does not have researchers in the field to count bodies. It makes up the numbers out of whole cloth. 

The Palestinian Authority's official statistics bureau acts as a mouthpiece for the Hamas terror group. Their entire reputation rests on accurate data, and they prefer to parrot Hamas propaganda - and lie about the source. 

These are the "moderates" that the West believes can be trusted. 

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