
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Iranian version of the Protocols: "Jews are behind all wars against Islam since Mohammed"

The Iranian Qods News Agency reports on an anti-Israel conference in Tehran Wednesday:
Quds News Agency (Qudsna) reported that a special meeting to study the latest developments in Gaza, Palestine and Lebanon was held this morning, Wednesday, at the headquarters of the Association for the Defense of the Palestinian People in the capital, Tehran, in the presence of representatives of various local media outlets.

At the beginning of the meeting, Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin, Secretary General of the Society for the Defense of the Palestinian People, referred to the viewpoint of the founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (may God be pleased with him), and His Eminence the Leader of the Islamic Revolution regarding the Palestinian and Zionist issue.

Hojjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Rahimiyan explained that the issue of hostility by the Jews has been emphasized in many verses of the Holy Quran and said, "In the history of Islam, most of the wars were either related to the Jews or the Jews were behind those wars and involved in them. The Jews had a prominent role in waging wars against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in that era and also up to this day."
The trope that Jews are behind all wars is straight from the neo-Nazi handbook. This one adds an Islamic twist. 

By the way the logo of the Society for the Defence of the Palestinian People is suspiciously similar to that of the Qods News Agency itself.

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