
Monday, July 08, 2024

International organizations outdo Hamas in demonizing Israel

Hamas' Gaza Meia Office regularly publishes their statistics of how awful things are. To say that they exaggerate is an understatement.

But one of their data points still says that 34 Gazans have been "martyred as a result of famine."

Let's look again at the latest IPC report where they admitted that most of Gaza is not in famine as they had predicted earlier this year. Even so, they say, "over 495,000 people (22 percent of the population) are still facing catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5)."

And they helpfully define Phase 5:

Even if you say that they are only saying that Phase 5 is with "reasonable" evidence, and if they are saying it is only at a household level, we would still expect at least 2 deaths per ten thousand people under that classification.

Which would mean at least 99 adults or 198 children dying of starvation a day if 495,000 people are in Phase 5.

The latest Hamas Government Media Office statistics only claim 34 Gazans starving to death over nine months.

So IPC is outdoing Hamas.

I wonder if anyone is considering that the other metrics of catastrophe besides mortality - starvation and acute malnutrition - are being exaggerated by overenthusiastic anti-Israel doctors or Gaza health ministry employees. The disconnect between the other evidence and mortality is too large to be ignored. 

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