
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Debunking another antisemitic fake quote: "We Jews are the most powerful people on Earth"

A meme I posted on X got a lot of people very upset. (The truth tends to do that.) And some of them are responding with, naturally, antisemitic lies.

Here is one I hadn't seen before:

I've seen this quote all over the Internet, usually attributed to Vladimir Jabotinsky, sometimes to David Ben Gurion. But this "Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1945" sure sounds like a legitimate source, doesn't it?

Here is the top of the front page of the Jewish Daily Bulletin from the previous Sunday, July 21, 1935:

Notice the top story in the middle: "Daily Bulletin Suspends." It announces that July 21, 1935 is the last issue of the Jewish Daily Bulletin..

There was no Jewish Daily Bulletin on July 27, 1935 

Even if it hadn't closed, July 27 was a Saturday, and it didn't publish on Saturdays.

The quote was completely made up. Yet this "source" is repeated by today's antisemites, who are following in the footsteps of the antisemites that the newspaper reported on every day in the 1930s that it was published.

If the truth was on their side, why do they lie so much?

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Read all about it here!