
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"Commemoration of Munich Olympics massacre to be held in secret in Paris." Then what's the point?

Times of Israel reports:
The memorial ceremony at the upcoming Paris games for the victims of the 1972 Munich Olympics terror attack will reportedly be held outside of the Olympic Village in a secret location, due to concerns that it may be targeted by extremists, given heightened antisemitic and anti-Israel sentiment.

According to the Hebrew news outlet Israel Hayom, the ceremony was originally scheduled for July 24 at the Paris City Hall, but was canceled due to security concerns. Instead, an alternate smaller ceremony will be held with fewer attendees at a location that will not be disclosed to the public, the report stated.
If they hold a memorial in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

The entire point of a memorial is to make a public statement about the deceased and to remember them. To cave to the threat of violence is outrageous, but to change the venue to a secret spot is in some ways even worse.

But the Israel Olympic Committee claims it is not true:
The Israel Olympic Committee refuted the report that the ceremony was moved due to threats, saying it was nothing more than a logistical issue, as specific permits needed to hold the event at the City Hall could not be issued in the days before the Olympics opening ceremony.

“Due to the delegation’s tight schedule, it was decided to hold the ceremony, in coordination with International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, in its full format on August 6 in another location,” the committee said. “Claims that the ceremony is underground or that it was moved due to any specific security alerts, or that canceling it was considered are fundamentally false claims.”
OK, so if it will not be held in secret - where will it be?

The tie and place should be widely publicized and proper security arranged. And if anyone wants to mount a protest or threaten the ceremony, let the world see how depraved they are. 

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Read all about it here!