
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

90th anniversary of the Thrace pogroms in Turkey

After reading another tweet by a supposed journalist about how well Muslims treated Jews before 1948, I decided to look at the Palestine Post for July 24, 1934 and see if it reported on how wonderfully Jews were treated.

I found this:

A 2006 academic paper shows that the main instigator of the pogrom was a Turkish official, the inspector general of Thrace, named Ibrahim Tali Ongoren.  He had written a lengthy memo ahead of the pogrom, saying:
In Thrace it is absolutely necessary and of crucial importance for Turkish life, the Turkish economy, Turkish security, the Turkish regime and the revolution to abolish Jewry, which represents a hidden danger for us and wants to lay the groundwork for communism in our country, in collaboration with labour organizations, in the most radical manner.....It is urgently required that a careful solution is found to the Jewish problem, which only puts the Turks in harm’s way in all areas of life in Thrace."
The police did not interfere with the violence. In fact, some of the looted property was found in the home of the local police commissioner.

The paper concludes that "Tali very likely acted in accordance with the intentions of the Turkish government" and provides some evidence.

A violent pogrom, includng rapes, conceived by an antisemite, led by university students, with the goal of driving all Jews out of the area.  

Sounds way too familiar. 

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Read all about it here!