
Thursday, June 27, 2024

The food situation in Gaza is not just better than January. It is better than it was before the war!

The New York Times headline says::

When you look at the actual report from IPC that they are referring to, the actual numbers show a dramatic improvement in food access in Gaza since earlier this year

Here the IPC shows that the percentage of people with acceptable food consumption in the north, center and south of Gaza since November.

Green is "acceptable" and red is "poor."

In every part of Gaza, the food consumption score has increased by a huge amount since January.

From 34% to 77% in Rafah.

In Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, from 30% to 75%.

In the North, from 0% in February to 60% this month.

That is not just "improvement." That is a sea change, all done while the world is saying that Gaza is on the brink of famine.

It gets even more insane. The FCS score is higher now than it was before the war!

In September 2022, the World Food Programme published that 14 percent of the households in Gaza had poor FCS scores, while 59 percent in Gaza had acceptable FCS.

This was roughly the findings from the Global Network Against Food Crises in 2023, as they compared food insecurity in Gaza between 2020 and 2022, showing an FCE score of 57, lower than IPC is saying in all areas of Gaza, today.

This is the story that the media not only refuses to cover, but actively tries to report in a manner that is opposite to the truth. The "famine" myth has been exploded, but why let facts get in the way of a good human interest story where people who have trouble getting food are featured and made to apppear like they are typical?

(h/t to Mark Zlochin who provided the detail charts.)

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