
Monday, June 17, 2024

"Jews learned to be spies and liars from the Torah"

Pity the poor antisemitic analyst. They have to keep coming up with new ways to express their hate, when so many before them have already seemingly picked over every possible angle on attacking Jews.

How can they not simply repeat what others have already said?

Yet every once in a while I find a new way for antisemites to express their hate. 

Retired Lebanese Brigadier General Muhammad Al-Husseini finds that the Torah has lots of examples of people acting surreptitiously, and therefore concludes that Jews have learned to be liars and spies from the Torah itself.

He starts with Cain and Abel, with a version of the story I have never seen before:
Cain watched his brother Abel in secret, wondering how was his brother’s offering accepted and not his? So he resorted to devious methods in the hope that his would be accepted. He first disguised himself as Abel to obtain the blessing of acceptance, but he did not succeed. He tried a second time to cover up the lack of information he had by obtaining it from his mother, hoping that he would discover the secret for accepting the offerings, but he did not succeed. He tried a third time to double the size of the offering, but he did not succeed. He had no facts available to him except Abel himself, and when he heard the reason, envy had overtaken him, so his enemy made it easy for him to kill his brother. 
We are the told that Moses studied espionage growing up in Pharaoh's palace. This prompted him to send spies to Canaan. Or, as Al Husseini says, 
The first 'Israeli propaganda' operation was launched by the 'ten spies,' which became the foundation on which Zionist propaganda was later built....The clear text about spying in the Torah became, for the Jews, a divine command, according to the opinion of some rabbis, and Zionism later relied on it to permit prohibitions...

Left unsaid is that the Torah makes it quite clear that both Cain and the ten spies were wrong.

The next example is even more absurd:
 After the death of Moses, Joshua took over the leadership, and after him he continued the “state project,” and field work developed as he sent two spies to Jericho, “so they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and lay down there” (Joshua 2:1) so that the biblical moral discourse changed regarding espionage. When their matter was revealed, she immediately worked to smuggle them to become the first “spy” from the Canaanites. She changed to “Israeli” when they entered Jericho, where they exterminated its inhabitants except for the house of Rahab...and in this way they were the first to use prostitutes as a source of information. Hence, they prepared the rabbis’ fatwa for former Minister Tzipi Livni, who was active with the Mossad, using sex to trap people and obtain information...
Arab media takes as a given that Tzipi Livni slept with her targets when she worked at the Mossad, making up fabricated quotes where she admits it (she actually has said the opposite). For a while, they assumed that every time an Arab leader appeared somewhat friendly towards Israel it was because.Livni slept with him.

And now we know it is all because she wanted to be like a Canaanite prostitute.

The article goes on to say that Jews have been secretly spying on gentiles for centuries:
Mercenary spies who serve the ruler, whoever he may be, for the purpose of financial gain.
“Double agents” with several rulers were active in sowing discord between countries.
Economic espionage for the purpose of blackmail: conditions of agricultural lands, financial activity, industrial...
It is classic "Elders of Zion" style antisemitism, but now it is tied to the Torah, proving that Jews are hardwired for duplicity. 

Apparently, the supply of antisemitic conspiracy theories is indeed unlimited.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Read all about it here!