
Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Jack Lew, Court Jew (Judean Rose)

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.

The Jpost Jack Lew interview had me at the title, “'Two-states is a defeat for Hamas,' US envoy Lew says, touting Saudi deal.” Had me fuming, that is, at Lew’s attempt to pull the wool over our eyes. “Court Jew,” I thought. “Jino,” I muttered (though naturally Lew self-defines as orthodox).

Yup. Lew’s message came through loud and clear, a script to which he, Lew, would stick without deviation:

👉🏻Two states for two peoples is a defeat for Hamas because it allows for a Jewish state to exist. And since Hamas wants Israel gone, two states would not serve its purpose.

No matter that the missive is a study in illogic, no matter how skewed, this is the message that Lew needs us to hear and absorb. That only two states can solve this problem, that two states for two people are the only way to beat Hamas—because fighting won’t do it, sez Lew.

He could say this lie once, Lew, and it would be enough for the masses. But he will say it here many times, to ensure the memo leaks into public discourse and soaks into our little public brains.

Happily, the interviewer of Lew, Tovah Lazaroff, doesn’t make the reader wait long for the first phase of the indoctrination to begin. The talking points we are meant to parrot are already there in the second paragraph:

“I don’t think Hamas wants two states,” Lew said. “The only time they indicate they want two states is when they’re trying to put a little bit of a patina of legitimacy around their real strategy, which is the elimination of the State of Israel.”

Missing here is the fact that the two-state solution is a win for no one. Not for Hamas of course, but also not for Israel, Gaza, or the people who live under the thumb of Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (clever name, that). No. Not one of the regional actors who would be a party to the two-state solution, actually want it. And that’s a fact, Jack.

Just as Hamas wants that “little bit” of legitimacy around its real strategy of exterminating the Jews, so too the people of Gaza, who continue to support Hamas, and the people who live under Abbas (who also support Hamas). They say they want a two-state solution because that’s how they get a foot in the door that is Jewish territory. It’s what they do. Then once they have a state on Jewish land, they carve away at the rest of Israel until whoops! Israel is gone. (Won’t happen.)

Then again, Israel also doesn’t want a two-state solution. Why on earth would we give this enemy any part of our (holy, indigenous) soil? What other nation would have this “solution” imposed on them? Must France cede Paris to Morocco? Must Canada cede Toronto to the United States of America?

I think not!

No. Only Israel, tiny Israel, is required to give up its land, holy to its Jewish inhabitants since before Mohammed was born—holy to the Jews whose presence the Holy Land was never lacking even when it meant they were forced to live hidden out of sight, in caves.

(photo: Judean Rose, with AI)

Aside from being compelled to “give up” land that will, by right, continue to belong to the Jewish people for all subsequent generations, the TSS asks us to legitimize the barbarians already installed alongside us, and embedded among us in our hills. It would be a gift to the evildoers—a gift that would leave Israelis far less safe than they were on October 7.

That’s all it is, the two-state solution. Not a defeat, a gift. A gift to Hamas, a gift to the PA, and a gift to all the people who voted them in. Two states mean more land for the Islamic caliphate—and Jewish land, at that—a seeming win for Islam over Judaism. (Won’t happen.)

Lew can flap his gums all he likes as the court Jew that he apparently is, but no one with a semblance of a brain will believe him. Not that it matters to the echo chamber. Chambers don’t have brains.

(photo: more Judean Rose AI experimentation.) 

Still, the echo chamber is soaking it all in as Lew continues to argue that the opposite of the truth is the truth, that the TSS is a defeat only for Hamas; that red is green; and big, old Brussels sprouts don’t smell when boiled at length:

[Netanyahu] has balked at talk of Palestinian statehood particularly in the aftermath of October 7. Both he and his government believe Palestinian statehood rewards terrorism and legitimizes that brutal style of attack in which people were raped, dismembered, and burned alive.

Lew said he believed that the opposite is true, particularly if Palestinian statehood is achieved through the framework of a larger Saudi deal, which would place Israel within a regional alliance against Iran.

“I think it’s a defeat for Hamas to talk about a two-state solution, which is why I think even out of the pain of October 7, there is a way to have this conversation, but it takes leadership,” Lew said.

Well, Jack Lew, Court Jew, maybe the echo chamber is fooled by your rhetoric, but thinking people are not. A rape victim, out of the pain of rape, will not give up half her bedroom to her rapist. The family of executed Jewish hostages, out of the pain, will not welcome an Arab state on their doorstep. And they don’t have to. None of us have to—no matter how many resolutions are issued by the talking heads at the antisemitic UN. And no matter how much Jack Lew insults Israel's duly elected leadership.

Of course, lest you question the efficacy of the TSS, let it be known to the echo chamber that Lew’s creds are impeccable. He alone knows what’s best for the Jews and the Arabs, because he’s served in three (count 'em) administrations that believed they knew what was best for Jews and Arabs. (They didn’t):

The United States has long believed that two states is the correct resolution to the conflict, Lew said, adding that “this is the third administration I’ve served that’s believe that. So it’s not a new idea.” He clarified that such a state would be a demilitarized one.

Note that last part. The Arabs won’t actually have a state, because Lew won’t let them have an army. In Lew’s Arab dreamland, there will be no terrorists and no army. And of course, by extension, no more weapons to the Jews, either:

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people living life in peace

(photo: yet MORE Judean Rose AI experimentation)

Here, Lew inserts the knife—peace? Never mind what Dr. Edy Cohen calls “the consistent and enduring Palestinian rejection of any and all peace initiatives with Israel, most recently the ‘Deal of the Century,’” It’s all up to the Jews who, at the moment, have closed their minds off to the idea sleeping well at night:

No one expects Israel “to decide on two states next week or next month,” but it has to be open to the conversation, he said.

In other words, Lew wants you to know on behalf of the Biden administration, as the court Jew he is, that the Jews are completely closed up in their own little selfish Jewish mindsets crying, “Ours. All ours!” totally unable to think outside the box; to be creative; to share nicely what they have with “others,” barbarians who swear they will perpetrate endless October 7ths. (Won’t happen.)

“The basic orientation” should be: is this “a win or a loss for Hamas? Is it a win or a loss for Iran?” Lew said.

How kind of Lew to orient us all, in particular the Jews, who after all are oriental. Thanks to Lew’s largesse of spirit, we now understand that the elimination of Hamas depends solely on Israel’s retreat from Gaza. If only Israel will only stop killing the terrorists and talk to them instead—give them land—peace will reign over the entire region:

[To] arrive at a deal, Lew said, there must be a cessation of hostilities between Hamas and Israel, particularly given that the war has entered a phase, where success might better be achieved through diplomacy than on the battlefield.

Never mind that there was a ceasefire on October 7, and that it was Hamas who broke it; clearly it is only Israel’s close-mindedness, its unwillingness to compromise that prevents peace, now. That is, if you don’t count the more than 8,000 Jews expelled from Gaza—which apparently, Lew does not.

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