
Friday, May 31, 2024

Two stories from Vancouver, completely unrelated to each other. (Well, except antisemitism.)

Story 1:

The Vancouver Comic Arts Festival banned a Jewish artist on Saturday following backlash from anti-Israel activists about her participation in the exhibition due to her past service in the IDF.

VanCAF issued an “accountability statement” after Jewish nonfiction and autobiographical comics artist Miriam Libicki participated in the May 18–19 festival.

In 2008, Libicki published a graphic novel about serving in the IDF, which the festival described as recounting her “personal position in the said military and the illegal occupation of Palestine.”

“The oversight and ignorance to allow this exhibitor in the festival, not only this year but in 2022 as well, fundamentally falls in absolute disregard to all of our exhibiting artists, attendees, and staff, especially those who are directly affected by the ongoing genocide in Palestine and Indigenous community members alike,” said VanCAF. “This exhibitor will not be permitted to return to the festival.”

The festival assured that it would revise its policies and submission guidelines and adhere to the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott [BDS] of Israel’s guidelines.

Story 2:

An incendiary device was thrown at the front doors of a Vancouver synagogue on Thursday evening, causing minor damage and no injuries, the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver announced.

The Vancouver Police Department and Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services conducted a search of the Schara Tzedek synagogue after the arson attack damaged the building's entrance at around 9:30 p.m., according to the Federation, and the emergency services declared the site safe for use.

Law enforcement is reportedly still investigating the incident and has increased patrols around local Vancouver Jewish institutions. The Federation said that it was contacting and advising Jewish institutions to remain vigilant and follow security protocols.

 Nah, a complete coincidence that an epicenter of anti-Israel hate in Canada is also a scene of classic antisemitic hate.

(There were also two incidents of shooting at Jewish schools in Canada over the past week, in Montreal and Toronto.)

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