
Monday, May 13, 2024

There are some differences between UNRWA and COGAT statistics of aid into Gaza, but not too much

Here's another case where the media doesn't check the claims of anti-Israel organizations.

While Israel says the number of trucks entering Gaza has risen sharply in recent days, the UN has provided much lower figures, and says it is still far less than the amount required to meet humanitarian needs.

Israel said that 419 trucks entered the Gaza Strip on Monday, but the main UN agency there, UNRWA, said only 223 trucks came in on that day. 

Both COGAT, the Defense Ministry body responsible for aid transfers, and UN agencies have said that the discrepancy in numbers results from different ways of counting.
But when you look at the total amount of aid counted in truckfuls, the numbers from IDF COGAT and UNRWA are not all that different.

UNRWA, today, says 25,189 trucks entered Gaza, of which 17,574 are food.
COGAT, today, says the numbers are 27,775 and 18,112, respectively.

The discrepancy for medical supplies is a bit larger: UNRWA says 1,304 trucks while COGAT says 1,993. 

Part of the discrepancy  is because UNRWA does not count trucks that enter from Erez or Netzarim, nor the aid that started coming in from sea. Israel opened a third crossing for aid into northern Gaza this past weekend, Western Erez, and sent about 18 trucks through there that UNRWA does not count.

In the end, they are pointing fingers at each other, but the totals are not all that different. Yet the media accepts UNRWA's claims and dismisses COGAT's. 

Par for the course.

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