
Monday, May 20, 2024

The Cuban spy scandal is a precursor to the next wave of pro-Hamas US spies in the government

60 Minutes describes a huge, decades-long espionage operation by Cuba against the US:

Last month a career American ambassador pleaded guilty to spying for the intelligence service of Cuba. Victor Manuel Rocha served his country in positions that required the highest levels of security clearance. For 40 years, he was a covert agent. Before Ambassador Rocha was exposed, there was another prolific Cuban spy named Ana Montes, a Pentagon official, who was the lead analyst on Cuba policy. She spied for 17 years. But, Cuban spy craft isn't just a relic of the Cold War. It's a real and present danger to U.S. national security. It turns out, Cuba's main export isn't cigars or rum, it's American secrets—which they barter and sell to America's enemies around the world. 
As bad as that is, here's the part that should concern every American:

[Peter] Lapp wrote a book on the FBI investigation into Montes. He told us Havana doesn't pay its spies, so Americans who spy for Cuba don't do it for money, but rather are driven by ideology. Ambassador Rocha was recruited  in the late 1970s, influenced, he now says, by the radical politics of the day. Montes was a student at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in the 1980s and was outspoken about her anger toward U.S. policy in Latin America when she was recruited by a Cuban intelligence officer.
How many students now graduating from Ivy League schools are being actively recruited by the State Department and the Pentagon? The protests this spring gave Israel's enemies  a huge database of potential recruits who would be willing to do whatever is necessary to destroy Israel - for what they believe are solid ideological reasons.

For that matter, there have been campus radicals who have been passionately anti-Israel for decades. The State Department has been pro-Arab for well over a century. There is no doubt that plenty of Israel haters work for the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA and the State Department. But now we have students who are saying publicly that terrorism against Jews is justified, who are easy pickings for recruiters, ready to steal US intelligence secrets and ultimately provide them to Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas. 

Beyond that, the existing Cuban spy network has been a money making operation for Cuba. According to the report, Cuba would gather information for any number of clients, who would apparently pay plenty for that information. The story mentions  Russia, China, Iran and North Korea as possible clients, and Iran would relay its findings to Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis. 

We saw thousands of students chanting "intifada revolution" and "from the river to the sea." Any one of them who ends up working for the US government is a potential spy against US interests. And at any time, there are some 500 jobs in intelligence alone that US government agencies are recruiting for. 

Within twenty years, we'll be hearing about the spies providing intel to Iran and Hezbollah from within the US government, because of their intense hate of Israel that they absorbed during their days in college.

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Read all about it here!