
Monday, May 20, 2024

Racism, antisemitism and anti-Zionism all come from the same psychological mindset

I came across this video of a Black man, Jeffrey Mead,  who has been subject to intense racial abuse since he supports Israel.

He takes it with good humor but the hate is quite real.

A recent article in VeryWellMind describes the psychology behind racism. As you read it, you can see that much of the same mindset applies not only to classic antisemitism but also to today's modern antisemitism known as anti-Zionism:

As more attention is being given to the racism ingrained in our society, many more people are seeking explanations for it. Is it survival of the fittest, or a psychological defense mechanism to help people identify with a primary group and feel more secure? Below is a list of possible psychological explanations for why racism exists.

Personal Insecurity

It's true that those who lack an identity and struggle with insecurity may seek group membership.3 Consequently, after finding a group, members of the group may start to alienate non-group members. Sometimes, hostility arises toward those people who have been alienated.

While in a clique, people tend to think and behave more like the people they surround themselves with. It becomes much easier to attack others when you're among people who share the same viewpoint.

Racism comes in when groups are formed based on characteristics like race, bolstered by beliefs of superiority, and supported by systems of oppression.

Lack of Compassion

Alienation of others eventually leads to less compassion for those who have been ostracized. People begin to only show compassion and empathy for those they regularly associate with.

Consider, for example, television segments asking viewers to donate to causes that support food security for families in Africa. These messages may be easier for a person to dismiss if they don't identify with the group or culture in need. This dismissal may or may not be overt racism, but it begins with a lack of empathy.

Projection of Flaws

When people feel bad about themselves or recognize their shortcomings, instead of dealing with them and trying to fix them, they may project their self-loathing onto others. Alienated groups can easily become scapegoats for those who ignore their own personal flaws.

Poor Mental Health

Is racism a sign of poor mental health? Not necessarily, but it can be. For example, paranoid personality disorder and narcissism are both mental health disorders that are characterized in part by feelings of insecurity, which may make a person more likely to hold racist beliefs or engage in racist behaviors.

But it's important to recognize that racist beliefs and actions are certainly not limited to people with mental health disorders.

Hatred and Fear

Extreme hatred is almost always based on fear. People may feel threatened by people they view as "different" or "foreign." They may fear losing power. To combat this fear, some people may seek social support from others with similar fears, perpetuating the cycle.

Anti-Zionism is especially attractive because it not only has all these features (to a greater or lesser extent) but it adds another factor that doesn't exist for most cases of bigotry in the West today: it gives one the ability to gain the benefits of hating an "out-group" as mentioned here, but to feel smug about it instead of feeling ashamed. After all, the hate is being expressed in the name of human rights, the highest possible moral cause there is. Once you categorize Zionists as supporting genocide and apartheid, you are not only allowed to hate them - you are obligated to. 

The negative emotion turns into a seemingly righteous one. Hating Nazis is socially acceptable, and if enough people believe that Zionist Jews are today's Nazis, then that becomes a sacred mission as well. 

Anti-Zionism is a socially acceptable hate, so people who suffer from poor self-esteem or any of the other factors mentioned are ripe candidates to join the bandwagon of hate without the social consequences. 

The organizers of the campaigns go to great lengths to indoctrinate these people into what is essentially a cult. They ask them to make "pledges," they tell them not to speak to outsiders - all to encourage the sense of community and the fear/hate of outsiders. Effectively the BDSers and anti-Israel sponsors are trying to ensure that their recruits are reinforcing their own insecurities and other mental health deficiencies by having them mindlessly repeat rhyming slogans and discouraging them from listening to anyone else's opinions. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!