
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

"Look! A Zionist said something I don't understand! It must mean he wants to murder all Palestinian children!"

Monday was fun on Twitter/X.

I posted a meme. Admittedly, not one of my best ones, neither in AI artwork nor execution.

I captioned it, "And who wants that?"

It went viral. As of this writing, over 3 million views.

The hundreds of comments from Israel haters, assume that somehow this graphic is celebrating genocide and a large percentage believe I am advocating murdering Palestinian children specifically. 

The intended point, which I didn't do a great job at, is that if the "State of Palestine" is represented by a watermelon, it would not be the type of watermelon anyone would enjoy. 

I stand by that opinion. A Palestinian state, whether in the territories or replacing Israel, would be a corrupt, autocratic, terror supporting, misogynist, gay bashing, Jew-hating dictatorship (as the PA is now) or it would be all that plus an Islamist fundamentalist ally of Iran that would happily nuke itself and its people to destroy Israel (as Hamas is now.) It would be another Algeria or Libya or Syria. 

And who wants that?

The watermelon pictured is not damaged or destroyed, just very unappealing.

But the crazed reactions say a lot about how bigoted Israel-haters are.

They are convinced that Israeli Jews are trying to wipe out Palestinians. They will twist any facts or statements to support that pre-established conclusion.. No other explanation of the war that Hamas started even enters their tiny brains. They are mind-readers, and they know that by default Jews are rotten, disgusting, murderous, genocidal people - so therefore everything they see is refracted through the prism of "Jews bad." Not coincidentally, their opinions of Israel are aligned with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 

That knee-jerk reaction to any information, that everything is evidence of evil Jewish intentions, is proof that it isn't the Jews who are the bigots. 

Even after I explained the joke, they insist that I'm just gaslighting and they know that the meme was advocating killing Palestinian children. 

It isn't the first time haters misunderstand one of my memes and assume I'm a bigot, and it won't be the last.  But their assumptions prove who the bigots really are. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Read all about it here!