
Friday, May 10, 2024

Literally calling for genocide: The campus protesters' literature says that every Jew in Israel is a legitimate target "under international law"

Within one day of the October 7 massacre, the National Students for Justice in Palestine issued a call for a "National Day of Resistance" to be held on October 12. Along with that announcement they issued a "Day of Resistance Toolkit" where give talking points to their members nationwide.
The document says \that every single Israeli Jewish community is considered an "ilegal settlement' And every single Israeli Jew is a "settler,"no matter where in Israel they live. 
On the 50th anniversary of the 1973 war, the resistance in Gaza launched a surprise operation against the Zionist enemy which disrupted the very foundation of Zionist settler society....Referred to as Operation Towfan Al-Aqsa (Al-Aqsa Flood), the resistance has taken occupation soldiers hostage, fired thousands of rockets, taken over Israeli military vehicles, and gained control over illegal Israeli settlements....What we are witnessing now is a heightened stage of the Palestinian struggle–through tearing down colonial infrastructure and liberating our colonized land from illegal settlements.
Among those points, in the "Messaging and Framing" section, they say this:
Settlers are not “civilians” in the sense of international law, because they are military assets used to ensure continued control over stolen Palestinian land.
Arab Israelis are never referred to as settlers. Only Israeli Jews are.

The most visible organization behind the campus protests call for the murder of every single Jew in Israel as legitimate "resistance." They make no distinctions: women and children are "settlers" as well and as such they are considered military targets.

All the students who think they are calling fo ran end to genocide are literally calling for the genocide of seven million Jews.

Here is the genocidal call to murder virtually every Jew in the Middle East:

When students are asked why they are protesting, they usually refer the person to the organizers. These are the organizers.

While most student protesters are unaware of this genocidal desire by the organizers, some of them must know a little. "By Any Means Necessary" is not ambiguous. Yet how many people who sincerely care about Palestinians for human rights would quit the campus protests if they knew the truth about what was being demanded and how they justify October 7?

SJP is not using euphemisms here - it says that the worst forms of terrorism are justified. Would the ignorant students at the protests change their minds if they knew this?

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