
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Khamenei's letter to US students: Antisemitism as a strategy for world domination

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei wrote to American student protesters. Here are excerpts:
Dear university students in the United States of America, this message is an expression of our empathy and solidarity with you. As the page of history is turning, you are standing on the right side of it.

You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government's ruthless pressure—a government which openly supports the usurper and brutal Zionist regime.

The greater Resistance Front which shares the same understandings and feelings that you have today, has been engaged in the same struggle for many years in a place far from you. The goal of this struggle is to put an end to the blatant oppression that the brutal Zionist terrorist network has inflicted on the Palestinian nation for many years.

The United States government and its allies refused to even frown upon this state terrorism and ongoing oppression. And today, some remarks by the US government regarding the horrific crimes taking place in Gaza are more hypocritical than real.

The Resistance Front emerged from this dark environment of despair, and the establishment of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran expanded and fortified it.

The global Zionist elite – who owns most US and European media corporations or influences them through funding and bribery – has labeled this courageous, humane resistance movement as "terrorism".

...The oppressive leaders of global hegemony mercilessly distort even the most basic human concepts. They portray the ruthless, terrorist Israeli regime as acting in self-defense ­– yet they portray the Palestinian Resistance which defends its freedom, security and the right to self-determination, as terrorists!

I would like to assure you that today the circumstances are changing. A different fate awaits the important region of West Asia. The people's conscience has awakened on a global scale, and the truth is coming to light.

Moreover, the Resistance Front has grown in strength and will become even stronger.

And history is turning a page.

...The Quran's lesson for us Muslims and all of humanity, is to stand up for that which is right: "So be steadfast as you have been commanded" (11:112).

The Quran's lesson for human relations is: "Do not oppress and do not be oppressed" (2:279).

The Resistance Front advances by a comprehensive understanding and the practice of these and hundreds of other such commands – and will attain victory with the permission of God.

My advice to you is to become familiar with the Quran.

Sayyid Ali Khamenei
People think this is an anti-Israel letter. It isn't. 

It is an anti-American letter.

Khamenei takes as a given that Israel is evil and that Jews control world governments and media. That part is not even up for debate. But he is trying to get the students angry at the US government for allowing itself to be hijacked by Jews, and urging them to fight the US - not Israel.

He says that by their uprising, they have already joined a much larger cause, the "Resistance," which means they are on the same side as the Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria - which he calls "the right side" of history.

The Islamic republic's goal has always been global domination. It has tried to be seen as the leader of the Islamic world, but the Sunni Muslims have not generally gone along with that, and in fact regard hi, as the enemy. 

So Khamenei is trying a different tack: to influence students who are restless to appear like they are making a difference , that they are moral creatures, and that their anger at the establishment represented by university leaders and the US government is part of a larger, transnational project that they have already joined.

Everyone wants to feel that they belong to a group of like-minded individuals. Khamenei is trying to subvert the fairly aimless protest movement that is looking for leadership into becoming a branch of the Iranian "axis of resistance."

Khamenei understands what the protesters themselves insistently deny: that their movement is fundamentally antisemitic. He play the game of pretending he is against the "global hegemony" and only briefly mentions to the "global Zionist elite" - but by conflating Jews with the West altogether, he is both leveraging existing antisemitism and trying to spread it further. 

Antisemitism is a strategy for his own desire for global hegemony. 

And if he manages to attract even 1% to his brand of Islamic extremism, he is recruiting scores of domestic terrorists to destabilize the US.

There is one test, and only one test, that the leaders of the student movement will fail. If they really were against antisemitism, they would denounce the Jew-hatred that this letter is trying to spread, and they would respond that they are on the side of the protesters in Iran against their own autocratic, illiberal government where human rights are non-existent.

Their inevitable non-response - and probable quiet pride in this letter - is the real story that the media must expose. Because it would show that they indeed condone antisemitism in the name of anti-Zionism, and that they support the Iranian mullahs against the millions of Iranians who yearn to be free of their control.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!