
Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Israel burying the cars that October 7 victims were murdered in (update: video)

The Jerusalem Post reported in November:

Due to the lack of body parts or remains of many of those killed in the October 7 massacre by Hamas, Israel's Chief Rabbinate recommended burying the cars of those who were killed in them.

N12 reported that the ZAKA Tel Aviv organization, after hard work and distress, came to the conclusion that they could not locate all the remains of the victims inside the vehicles in which they were slaughtered. In order to preserve the sanctity of the deceased for the first time since the establishment of the state, they decided to bury the vehicles.

After consulting with the Military Rabbinate and the Chief Rabbinate, hundreds of vehicles will be buried in Jewish cemeteries across Israel.
Here is one of the piles of burnt-out cars awaiting burial. (credit EBoZ)

But that is just a small part (credit Other BoZ)

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