
Thursday, January 04, 2024

Jordan publishes new edition of book claiming Jews forged Jerusalem archaeology

Jordan's Al Ghad news site discusses the book,  “Jerusalem: Hijacked History and Forged Antiquities,” written by Professor Dr. Issam Sakhnin. It looks like the book was actually published in 2020.

It is a publication of the Jordanian Royal Commission for Jerusalem Affairs.

The book goes through a history of how Jews have fabricated their history of the land, Jerusalem, and the Temple. Finally it purports to show how every major archaeological find that proves Jewish control of Jerusalem is a modern forgery.

Unfortunately, the reviews show no photos of these supposed forgeries. 

Sakhnini concludes the book saying that no history has ever been subjected to Jewish theft that the ancient history of Palestine was subjected to, and thus Zionism actively sought to silence it, considering that a necessary condition for owning it, and thus owning the present and the future, and for monopolizing the land that is the geographical framework of that history. In these robberies, Zionism reaped a valuable spoil by granting it a right to present Palestine, based on an alleged history, and in recognition of its possession of the place on which a state was created.
Apparently, the entire Temple Mount itself must be a forgery.  Looking at its walls, you can see how it was expanded at every stage  of its being built in during the Davidic dynasty, during the time of Zerubbabel, in the Hasmonean period, and the Herodian period. This site describes and shows it all.  And it all happened way before Mohammed.

This is an old claim, but it becomes no less outrageous over time. 

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Read all about it here!