Andrew Pessin: When the anti-racists are racists
What exactly do you think could possibly justify such barbaric cruelty? To babies, children, disabled people, grandmothers?WSJ Editorial The Global War on the Jews
When the Nazis showed up at Polish towns and forced all the Jews to strip and walk miles into the woods and dig their own graves and then shot them, mothers holding their babies, would you stop and say, “Wait a minute, I need to hear the Nazis’ perspective on this before I reach a judgment?”
Who watches little girls raped and then dismembered alive (yes) and says, “Well, I need to learn more before making a judgment”?
Who watches a mother and a father and their three small children tied up together and then burned alive (yes) and says, “Well I need to hear the other side before I make up my mind”?
When nine black people were gunned down in South Carolina in 2015, did anyone say, “Wait until we get the gunman’s point of view”? Or in regard to the 2019 mosque shootings in New Zealand in which 51 Muslims died?
Is there any other identity group whose massive slaughter is met with the search for justification, with the “need to learn more”?
Closer to home, when talking about your activism for important causes, you also said, “The George Floyd affair was about the daily police brutality black Americans have faced for centuries and the continued oppression of folks of African descent across the diaspora.”
Imagine someone responded to you and said, “Well, you know, that situation is actually extremely complicated. After all, black people do commit a lot of crime and have a lot of police interactions. And anyway, let’s hear from David Duke and the Proud Boys before we reach any conclusions.”
Do I need to go on to imagine how you would feel, and how pretty much everyone we know in academia would erupt against such a response, which would instantly be branded racist?
1,400 mostly unarmed Jews—babies, children, teenagers, pregnant women, grandmothers—were just slaughtered in the most sadistic manner possible by the members of an openly genocidal group. Their founding charter literally endorses the murder of all Jews on earth. They literally posted footage of the atrocities so everyone could celebrate it. And you need to “learn more”?
But you didn’t stop there.
Given the “complexity” of the conflict, you then endorsed the (otherwise surely laudatory) view that we needn’t play the “Oppression Olympics,” that “we must oppose all oppression, have empathy for every suffering person, etc.”
Of course. But when certain people responded to the Black Lives Matter campaign so dear to you by pointing out that, in fact, “all lives matter” and “unarmed white people are also shot by police,” well we know how that was received, not least as evidence of their racism. Yet when 1,400 Jews were slaughtered in the most cold-blooded manner possible, you responded, “Well, all lives matter.”
You literally just “all lives mattered” every Jewish person on earth.
Jews are under attack not only in Israel and not only by Hamas. The weeks since the barbaric Oct. 7 Hamas invasion of Israel have witnessed physical assaults on Jews the world over, including in the U.S. and Europe.Are We Tipping into a New World War?
The Islamist group and its Western enablers are pursuing or justifying a genocidal war against Jews, not merely a territorial dispute with Israel.
This weekend hundreds of rioters in Dagestan, Russia, stormed an airport in search of Jewish travelers. Germany has witnessed a spate of anti-Semitic incidents. Two Jewish schools in London closed for a period over safety concerns. A crowd in Sydney, Australia, chanted "gas the Jews" after the Hamas attack.
Americans like to believe such things couldn't happen in the U.S. They have. The Anti-Defamation League reported a 388% increase in anti-Semitic incidents from Oct. 7-23 compared with the same period a year ago. The ADL tally counts 109 anti-Israel rallies that featured support for Hamas or violence against Jews in Israel.
The West spent the decades after the civilizational catastrophe of the Holocaust vowing never again to allow itself to slide into such barbarism. What we see now in the attacks on Jews is how that slide began.
Before there was a Chancellor Hitler in 1933, there were roving bands of Brownshirts inflicting political and anti-Semitic violence on the streets of Germany. They too often went unchecked by police, prosecutors and politicians who didn't understand the menace.
A Western society that can't or won't muster the will to defend its Jewish neighbors and fellow citizens won't be able to defend itself.
A “world spinning out of control.” Those were the words Wall Street Journal Global View columnist Walter Russell Mead used to describe the latest geopolitical developments when Bari interviewed him on the latest episode of Honestly this week. And it’s not hard to see why.
In the past 48 hours alone:
Houthi fighters fired at Israel from Yemen.
An Israeli air strike hit Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, killing a senior Hamas commander as well as Palestinian civilians.
FBI Director Christopher A. Wray warned senators that the Israel-Hamas war has increased the chances of a terrorist attack against Americans in the United States to “a whole other level.”
Israel vanished overnight from maps on the Chinese search engine Baidu.
Egyptian prime minister Mostafa Madbouly said Egypt was “prepared to sacrifice millions of lives to ensure that no one encroaches upon our territory,” dismissing requests for the settlement of Palestinian refugees in Egypt.
On the podcast, Walter explains why the “pre-war era” we’ve been in for a while is “moving quickly and at an unpredictable pace” toward “something big and something bad.”
Let Walter give you the lay of the land. I can’t promise that it will be reassuring. But it will be clarifying.
NGO Monitor: Any Excuse to Attack Israel: Amnesty International’s Propaganda on Gaza
Amnesty International is among the most active NGOs that systematically promote demonization of Israel , BDS, and antisemitism – under the facade of universal human rights. In recent years, this bias and discrimination has been reflected in its “apartheid” campaign, extensive efforts to exclude antisemitism as a human rights concern, and undermining the implementation of the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition to combat hatred of Jews.
In the wake of the barbaric Hamas massacre of 1,500 Israelis and the kidnapping of more than 200, Amnesty has exploited these events to amplify demonization and delegitimization of the Jewish state. As with previous rounds of conflict with Palestinian terror groups, Amnesty has disproportionately focused on allegations of Israeli wrongdoing, as opposed to an intensive campaign regarding the murder, torture, rape, hostage-taking, and dismembering corpses that represent one of the most egregious human rights atrocities in the past 30 years.
“Apartheid” – Amnesty Emphasizes “Root Causes”
In multiple statements, Amnesty emphasizes “the root causes” of the conflict, in particular “Israel’s system of apartheid imposed on all Palestinians.” Amnesty does not identify “root causes” on the part of any other actor, including Palestinians and terror groups. Amnesty’s publications and statements by its officials as part of its ongoing apartheid campaign make it clear that the NGO sees Israel’s existence as a Jewish state as the “root cause” and believes that it should not exist as such. (For details, see NGO Monitor’s reports “False Knowledge as Power: Deconstructing Definitions of Apartheid that Delegitimise the Jewish State,” “Neo-Orientalism: Deconstructing claims of apartheid in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” and “Amnesty International’s Cruel Assault on Israel: Systematic Lies, Errors, Omissions & Double Standards in Amnesty’s Apartheid Report.”)
In a statement issued on October 7 (Israel/OPT: Civilians on both sides paying the price of unprecedented escalation in hostilities between Israel and Gaza as death toll mounts), as the Hamas massacre of Israelis was taking place, Amnesty asserts that “The root causes of these repeated cycles of violence must be addressed as a matter of urgency.” It specifies the objective of “ending Israel’s 16-year-long illegal blockade on Gaza, and all other aspects of Israel’s system of apartheid imposed on all Palestinians.”
Similarly, in an October 26 statement demanding an “immediate ceasefire” (Israel/OPT: Urgent call for an immediate ceasefire by all parties to end unprecedented civilian suffering), “Amnesty International also reiterates its calls for…The root causes of the conflict to be addressed, including through dismantling Israel’s system of apartheid against all Palestinians.”
In another instance (Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza, October 20), Amnesty recommends that the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court “Urgently expedite its ongoing investigation in the situation of Palestine, examining alleged crimes by all parties,” adding that this should include “the crime against humanity of apartheid against Palestinians.”
In Jan-Feb 2018, Amnesty dedicated its home page to Ahed Tamimi, a photogenic Palestinian detained for slapping & kicking Israeli soldiers. She pled guilty to 4 criminal charges including assault. Now this Amnesty human rights hero wants to drink Jews' blood and eat their skulls.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) October 30, 2023
4/ Ahed had many role models. Her aunt Manal Tamimi called for the murder of Jews, or “vampire Zionists.” The UN Human Rights Council’s Special Rapporteur on Palestine @MichaelLynk5 had listed Manal as a "human rights defender." Later, he was shamed into deleting this.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) October 30, 2023
6/ Founded in 1961, Amnesty built a reputation for supporting prisoners of conscience. Many of its members still do good work. But sadly it has lost direction, often supporting Iranian regime-backed antisemites, misogynists, homophobes and terrorists. 🧵
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) October 31, 2023
Eli Lake: Frantz Fanon, Oracle of Decolonization
Sartre’s introduction to the first edition of The Wretched of the Earth is the seed of the moral illiteracy that leads so many intellectuals in 2023 to cheer or rationalize the October 7 Hamas atrocities. In this sense, Sartre uses Fanon in his introductory essay as a weapon to shame his fellow French citizens. The context here is important. In 1961 Algeria was still a French colony. Algeria would not win its independence until 1962.
Sartre skewers his liberal neighbors who abhor both the violence of the FLN and the French army. “Our victims know us by their wounds and shackles: that is what makes their testimony irrefutable,” he writes. He then goes on to tap into the guilt many French citizens felt about Algeria on the eve of its independence.
But, you will say once again, ‘we live in the metropolis, and we disapprove of extremes.’ It’s true, you are not colonists, but you are not much better. They were your pioneers, you sent them overseas, they made you rich. You warned them: if they shed too much blood you would pretend to disown them; the same way a State—no matter which one—maintains a mob of agitators, provocateurs, and spies abroad whom it disowns once they are caught. You who are so liberal, so humane, who take the love of culture to the point of affectation, you pretend to forget that you have colonies where massacres are committed in your name.
This is important because Sartre, who at times professed to be a humanist, is making the same mistake so many twentieth-century intellectuals made by negating the individual and speaking only of abstract groups. One has no right to take moral comfort in dissenting from his state’s violence if he still benefits from it.
And one can see a similar dynamic today. Here's a quote from Nathan Tankus, a think-tanker who is writing a book on the Federal Reserve and is very active on X. He tweeted a day after the Hamas pogrom: “I don’t want anyone to die but I also won’t participate in contextless haranguing of military strategy launched from a Ghetto. Whether it’s Jewish partisans during WWII or, yes, even Hamas.”
Let me translate. Tankus demonstrates the mindset that has resulted from years steeped in a simplistic notion of “decolonization.” Jews fighting for their lives during the Holocaust were allowed to use violence. But now that Israel exists, it deserves to be attacked. The powerful are guilty because they have power. In this sense, he elides any moral question about a deliberate massacre of Jews on October 7 by clinically referring to the pogrom as a “military strategy.” Fanon would be proud.
Fanon goes further in his analysis. He not only believes that violence is inevitable in a liberation struggle; he also writes that the act of killing purifies the killer in a war against a colonial oppressor. Fanon writes in the “On Violence” chapter: “At the individual level, violence is a cleansing force. It rids the colonized of their inferiority complex, of their passive and despairing attitude. It emboldens them, and restores their self-confidence.”
In the rest of the book, however, Fanon does complicate his analysis. For example, he warns that liberation movements can become new oppressors once they attain power, thus exchanging one barbarism for another.
In 1961, it was easy to see how Fanon’s analysis would appeal to the left. But 62 years after its publication, there is ample reason to question his conclusions. Just look at what became of Algeria itself. Like the French before independence, the regime established intelligence services, a brutal military, and its leaders eventually became a new exploitive class.
During Algeria’s civil war in the 1990s, for example, the regime infiltrated the GIA, the Islamic fundamentalist movement that had been waging an insurgency. In the 2000s, a series of former officers wrote books that laid bare how many of the atrocities attributed to the resistance were provocations either known ahead of time or actively planned by the domestic security services.
None of this is to say that the French should reclaim Algeria as a colonial possession. Rather it is to say that the fetishization of violence as an overdue debt or as a process for emancipating the minds of the oppressed leads to more repression once independence is achieved. When the leader of a liberation movement can summon spectacular violence, it’s a great temptation to consolidate personal power. This is why so many third-world countries that gained independence through violent struggle suffer under autocracy today.
All this Fanonism, so popular in academia today, is being used to justify exterminationist rhetoric against the only Jewish state and against Jews anywhere. But Israel is not a colonial power. It is a safe haven. There is no mother country for Jews outside of Israel. The war in 1948 that broke out after Israel was recognized as an independent state was not a battle between colonizer and colonist. It was a struggle between a people who had survived a genocide and the entire Arab world.
In 1948, the goal for the Arab armies was to drive the Jews into the sea, same as it is today for Hamas, and same as it is for the intellectuals so exhilarated by the bloodlust of these fanatics. Celebrating the October 7 pogrom is not solidarity with the wretched of the earth. It is a demented excuse for the mass murder of Jews.
PLEASE retweet.
— The Comedy Cellar (@ComedyCellarUSA) October 31, 2023
We will be LIVE-streaming a debate on Israel.
Wednesday November 1st, 7:00 PM
Norman Finkelstein vs. Eli Lake
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The Biden DOJ Just Tapped This Anti-Israel Group for a ‘United Against Hate’ Initiative. They Say Israel is Guilty of Genocide.
The Biden administration tapped an anti-Israel advocacy group that accuses the Jewish state of genocide to participate in a forum on the surge in hate crimes following Hamas’s attacks.
The Arab American Institute joined the Justice Department’s "United Against Hate" forum Wednesday, the agency announced. Attorney General Merrick Garland and civil rights division chief Kristen Clarke led the event with leaders from several advocacy groups and five U.S. attorneys.
The Arab American Institute, which was represented at the forum by its executive director Maya Berry, supports economic boycotts of Israel and has accused the Israeli government of "genocide" and "apartheid" against Palestinians. The institute’s founder, James Zogby, has referred to Israel as "Nazis" and defended the term "Israel firster," which white supremacists use to suggest American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States.
This is the latest example of the Biden administration courting anti-Israel groups to take part in hate crime initiatives. It comes as anti-Semitic incidents have spiked nearly 400 percent in the wake of the Hamas attack on Israel last month. FBI director Christopher Wray warned this week that Hamas’s attack will likely inspire a terror threat "the likes of which we haven’t seen since ISIS."
In May, the White House tapped the Council on American-Islamic Relations for its "national strategy for combating anti-Semitism." CAIR was labeled an unindicted co-conspirator of Hamas in a 2007 federal terrorism case. Nihad Awad, the executive director of CAIR, referred to Israel as a "settler colonial Apartheid state" in the wake of the attacks and wrote "Israel=Russia."
Kristen Clarke, who oversees the Justice Department’s civil rights division, has repeatedly praised anti-Semitic activists and scholars. Clarke touted activists Linda Sarsour and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), who have pushed anti-Semitic tropes and defended Hamas’s attack on Israel. As a Harvard student, Clarke hosted an event for a scholar who peddled the conspiracy theory that Jews orchestrated the international slave trade.
The Arab American Institute offered some criticism of Hamas after the group slaughtered 1,400 Israelis this month. But like many other anti-Israel groups, the institute blamed Israel and the United States for stoking tensions with Palestinians.
"While all parties share some degree of blame, I mainly fault successive US administrations for failing to play its self-proclaimed role of the promoter of human rights and peace. It has abdicated its responsibility diminishing itself to become Israel’s partner in the oppression of Palestinians. For shame," Zogby said days after the Hamas attack.
Today’s campus politics is weird but there was also some awfully weird stuff happening fifty years ago.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) October 31, 2023
.@KonstantinKisin: “For years now many of us have been warning that the Barbarians are at the gates…we were wrong, they’re inside”
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) October 31, 2023
Yisrael Medad: Was 'Palestine' Actually Syria?
Let's check on that way back when:
"In 1917, Ramallah-born New York surgeon, Fuad Isa Shatara, and N.A. Katibah founded the Palestine Antizionism Society. It was among the organizers of an anti-Zionist rally on November 8, 1918 in Brooklyn. Besides the two founders, the young Lebanese Orientalist Philip Khoury Hitti made an appearance as a speaker at the event. The rally passed a resolution, describing the Arabs at risk of being dominated by “a race rendered more powerful and wealthy through contact with the western civilization thus applying might against right” and protesting the “artificial importation of Zionists flooding the country against its natural capacities and thus forcing an emigration of the rightful inhabitants.”227 Thus, by 1918, the anti-Zionist Arab-American movement had already found both its central arguments and its leaders. Rihani, Hitti and Shatara would shape the movement over the next two decades. The Arab Americans worked to influence the State Department and other influential elements of the foreign policy strata. Fuad Shatara of the Palestine Antizionism Society wrote two letters to Secretary of State Robert Lansing in November 1918 and February 1919, arguing that Zionism was in contravention to Wilson’s Fourteen Points.228 In December 1918, Hitti and George Khairalla established the New Syria National League. The group lobbied for the establishment of a Greater Syria under American protection, reaching from the Sinai to the Euphrates.229 These groups intensified their activities in light of the upcoming peace conference in Paris. Shatara and Hitti reached out to John Huston Finley, the chief of the Red Cross Commission in Palestine, asking Finley not to detach Palestine from Greater Syria.230 During the conference, Hitti’s New Syria National League also sent a telegram to Wilson, Lloyd George and Clemenceau advocating an American protectorate over Syria. 231"
Due to the war in Israel, the Palestinian issue rears its head. But where does the name "Palestine" come from? The Palestinians say that since the days of the Bible. Is it true?
— MytHistory_ty (@MytHistory_ty) October 31, 2023
Free Palestine? No thanks! (The Israeli perspective)
2011: Debunking the Palestine Lie
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has launched an international campaign to achieve recognition by the United Nations for an independent Palestinian state. Abbas and his international supporters claim that only Israel (with the United States) stands in the way of this act of historical justice, which would finally bring about peace in the Middle East.
This video debunks the Palestinians' claim and shows that Abbas has been lying about the origins and history of the conflict. Palestinian leaders have rejected partition plans that would have given them much more land for their independent state than the Jews were offered for theirs. Rather than being the innocent victims of a "dispossession" at the hands of the Israelis, the Palestinians rejected reasonable compromises and instead pursued their aim of getting rid of the only Jewish state in the world.
The Hostility of the Left and the Arab World Toward Israel (and Why You Should Care)
This video is about a very weird connection between the Arab world and parts of the Left when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and, actually, the strange connection between the Left and the Arab world in general. I think that you’ll find it interesting regardless of whether you support the Israelis or the Palestinians.
Call Me Back PodCast: Antisemitism. Everywhere.
Next week we will release the new book by Saul Singer and me: “The Genius of Israel: The Surprising Resilience of a Divided Nation in a Turbulent World”, which you can order now.What the Hell Is Going On: WTH is Going On with the Explosion of Antisemitism on the Left? Ruth Wisse Explains
The speech that I reference in today’s episode — in which I discuss the resilience of Israelis in this moment — can be found here:
As for today’s episode, according to the ADL, from Oct 7-23, anti-semetic incidents in the U.S. were up 388% over the same period last year. Why is it that after an attempted genocide of Jews in the Jewish State, the response by many is too target other Jews in the U.S. and around the world? To target them with violent rhetoric, vandalism, intimidation, and actual physical violence?
Is this new? What are its origins?
What is the difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism?
And what’s with the tearing down of posters of hostage children?
Our guest today is Yossi Klein Halevi who – in addition to being an important voice in our new book – is a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. Together with Imam Abdullah Antepli of Duke University, he co-directs the Harmant Institute’s Muslim Leadership Initiative.
Yossi has written a number of books, including “Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation,” and his latest, “Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor,” which was a New York Times bestseller. He has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Times of Israel.
Hosted by Danielle Pletka & Marc Thiessen
There are Charlottesvilles happening every day in America. This time, they’re everywhere, driven by an explosion of antisemitism. And these Charlottesvilles are happening at Harvard, Columbia, and Stanford among other elite havens of academe. This is not the alt-right, fringe antisemitism of years past. The modern version has taken on the flavor of the leftist elite: it equates Zionism with racism; it coalesces the extreme aspects of BLM, feminism, and other groups against a common enemy; it is pro-nothing and entirely anti. The Nazi movement had its roots in professors, Nobel Prize winners – this too, is finding roots in elitist bodies who can intellectualize their way around the pernicious evil of the Hamas attacks. The only way to stand up to a culture of hate? Intolerance of it, and imposing consequences on those who profess it.
Ruth Wisse is the Martin Peretz Professor of Yiddish Literature and Comparative Literature Emerita at Harvard University. She immigrated to Canada from Romania in 1940 and is a preeminent scholar of Yiddish and American culture, literature, and politics. She is the author of several books, including her memoir Free as a Jew.
We have arrived at a point where the more progressive you are, the more likely you are to support jihadism. How did we get here? These people are midwives of their own destruction. My appearance on @TalkTV
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) November 1, 2023
The Abraham Accords divided the region into the countries that wanted peace and prosperity for their people and the countries that wanted destruction and radicalism. And just like these were the choices in the region a few years ago I believe the world now has the same choice to…
— פלר חסן נחום Fleur Hassan-Nahoum (@FleurHassanN) November 1, 2023
DeSantis says he’d defund the @UN: “They couldn’t even bring themselves to condemn Hamas”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 1, 2023
There was no Jewish army to save the Jews from the Holocaust. Today, the IDF has the strength to defend them against a genocidal Iranian regime and its proxies that are hell-bent on the destruction of the Jewish state. Joe Biden must continue to stand against growing…
— Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁ (@COLRICHARDKEMP) November 1, 2023
Sky News journalist asserts Geneva Conventions forbid attacks which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life. This is not true. Article 51, which she quotes, forbids an attack in which civilian death/wounding would be “excessive in relation to the concrete and…
— Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁ (@COLRICHARDKEMP) November 1, 2023
Anyone who is serious about saving civilian lives in Gaza should demand Hamas terrorists surrender, lay down their weapons and release the hostages. That is what protesters should be calling for.
— Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁ (@COLRICHARDKEMP) November 1, 2023
Multiple European countries make arrests over Hamas-related terrorism
Senate Approves Jack Lew, Who Backed Obama’s Anti-Israel Policies, as Israel Ambassador
Over the last week, Ambassador Lew has been Questioned by Members of Senate about his current and previous Intentions in regards to Iran with him clearly stating that he does not believe the Iran Nuclear Deal is possible anymore and that Iran is a Major Threat to the Region as…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) October 31, 2023
Russian man interviewed on the streets of Moscow:
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 1, 2023
“- We need to throw out all Jews from Russia!
- What did they do?
- Haven’t you been watching TV?”
Putin has unleashed a campaign of strong anti-Israel propaganda in Russian state media in recent days.
Anti-Israel protest in front of the Swedish parliament in Stockholm.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 31, 2023
The crowd is chanting “boycott Israel” and “long live the Intifada”
Astonishingly crass and shameless, even by Labour’s standards.
— Pat Condell (@patcondell) November 1, 2023
‼️Must read‼️
— GnasherJew®גנאשר #IStandWithIsrael (@GnasherJew) October 31, 2023
Emirati ROYAL family member Hend bint Faisal Al-Qasimi justifies the Oct 7 massacre of Jews.
She also targets Jewish officials in the US gov with horrific antisemitic remarks. The antisemitism on her Twitter feed is disgusting.
In light of her statements, do the…
“racist” “bigoted “extremist”
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 1, 2023
These are the words AOC hurls with abandon at the country and people she detests.
It’s a fact that @AOC didn’t vote to condemn Hamas terrorists. Hurling around slurs doesn’t change that fact.
The Jews have their grubby hands and dark money undermining the will of the people, in an anti racist
— Bad antizionist takes (@antiantizionist) November 1, 2023
Hamas' campaign won't drive Israeli-Arabs to join fightPakistan is expelling 1.7 million refugees and just bulldozed migrant shelters.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 1, 2023
Hundreds of thousands of Afghans are now fleeing to the border. Many have lived in Pakistan for decades.
Thousands of these Afghan refugees will be resettled in the United Kingdom and other Western…
of people from Gaza were treated in Israeli hospitals. That wasn’t an occupation nor a siege. So stop justifying terror. Hamas murdered our children with no reason but to kill Jews. Simple as that. Ask Hamas how they call Israelis in Arabic. Al Yahud. The Jews. Ask yourself why
— avi issacharoff (@issacharoff) October 31, 2023
PMW: Fatah brags it took part in October 7 slaughter. WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES
“There is courage within Gaza among opponents of Hamas. They speak for the majority of the population when they dare to raise their heads.”@PeaceComCenter president @josephbraude on MSNBC’s @mitchellreports. He spoke about our new partnership, Voices from Gaza, which shares…
— The Free Press (@TheFP) October 31, 2023
I love the name "Mr. FAFO" so much lol
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 1, 2023
My favorite #MrFAFO video so far.
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) October 31, 2023
Speaker on 🔊
Hamas MP and Cleric Yunis Al-Astal in a Friday Sermon: We Will Conquer Rome, and from There Continue to Conquer the Two Americas and Eastern Europe (Archival) #Hamas #Gaza
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 1, 2023
PreOccupiedTerritory: Hamas Seeks ‘Paper Dome’ To Intercept IDF Leaflets Warning Gazans Away From Targets (satire)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Hamas-Israel War: Turkey Owes Israel Nothing; The West Is Responsible for the Massacre in Gaza; If It Wants to Spark Another Crescent-Crusader Fight, It Should Know That This Nation Is Alive and Well #Turkey #Israel #Hamas
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 1, 2023
Queen of the Pogrom-Deniers
Damascus Friday Sermon by Sheikh Tawfiq Ramadhan Al-Bouti: The Jews Are Treacherous, Murderous; In the Protocols of the Devils of Zion the Jews Admit to Being the Executioners of the World; They Spread Moral Corruption through Fashion, Films, TV, the Media #Syria #Antisemitism
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 1, 2023
Again, the “Palestinian cause” is mostly a repository for the Arab world to project its savage antisemitism.
— Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) November 1, 2023
MEMRI: Qatar-Based And -Funded International Union Of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) Issues Fatwa Calling For Military Intervention By Arab And Muslim Countries Against Israel And For Gaza
Houthis in Yemen Showcase “Al-Aqsa Flood” Military Drill, Demonstrating a Simulated Attack on Israeli Targets Involving Helicopters, Rockets, Armed Soldiers #Hamas #Houthis #Palestinians #Yemen
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 1, 2023
MEMRI: Article In Qatari Daily 'Al-Sharq': Arabs Must Punish West For Supporting Israel By Imposing Oil Embargo On It
MEMRI: Qatar-Based And Funded International Union Of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) Publishes Old Article By Senior Hamas Official Describing Takeover Of Gaza Border Region, Israeli City Of Ashkelon, In Preparation For Liberation Of Palestine And Realization Of Prophetic Promise
MEMRI: Iranian State Broadcaster PressTV, Designated By U.S. Treasury And Sanctioned By Office Of Foreign Asset Control, Films At Anti-Israel Protest Directly In Front Of White House, Possibly For Intelligence Value, Interviews Leader Of Neo-Nazi Anti-Government Group
There is still time for Biden to deter Iran and support Israel
My interview with Iran International.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) November 1, 2023
گفتگو با هیلل نویر، مدیر اجرایی دیدهبان سازمانملل درباره عملکرد سازمانملل در بحران جنگ اسرائیل و حماس #۲۴بافردادفرحزاد
Iranian Daytime Show Conducts a Viewer Poll on Whether It Is Time that the “Cancerous Tumor” that Is the Zionist Regime Disappear from the Face of the Earth; The Two Possible Answers Were “Yes” and “Definitely” #Iran
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 1, 2023
This headline/subhed combo will survive for all of 20 more minutes before someone outside the organization informs the Times that they have all gone insane, so get in on it while the getting's good
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) November 1, 2023
On November 2nd, the Islamic Republic of Iran will become Chair of the UN Human Rights Council Social Forum.
— מיכל קוטלר-וונש | Michal Cotler-Wunsh (@CotlerWunsh) November 1, 2023
Do YOU feel safe?
Don’t look away.#Ironyisdead #humanrights #Hamas_is_ISIS #NeverAgainIsNow
“Millions of freedom-seekers will rush to the Palestinian borders for assisting Palestine if the countries bordering Palestine allow people to cross the border,” said Iran’s top general Mohammad Bagheri.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) November 1, 2023
Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Wednesday called on Muslim countries to cease oil and food exports to Israel, and also remember that the US, Britain and France stood against Gaza in this war.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) November 1, 2023
He also noted that the war in Gaza is not between Israel and Palestine but…
Cyberattacks against the US by Iran and non-state actors will likely worsen if the conflict expands, FBI Director Christopher Wray told a Congressional hearing, adding that the number of attacks on US military bases overseas by Iran-backed militia groups have risen this month
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) October 31, 2023
Iran's Foreign Minister said in the meeting with Hamas leader, "The region is at the stage of making a very important decision, and if Israel continues the attacks (on Gaza) and the scope of the conflict and war expands, no side will be immune from the consequences."
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) October 31, 2023
Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian human rights activist and the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has been refused hospital treatment for refusing to wear a hijab.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) October 31, 2023
Former Johns Hopkins SAIS Dean Echoes Claim That Israel Is Waging 'Genocide'
'We Only Want One Side to Stop Fighting': Meet the Minneapolis Public School Teacher Who Called For Israel's Eradication at Socialist Rally
MUST WATCH: @BenShapiro torches Hamas supporters in Oxford Union as protesters who want to kill Jews yell in the background. Chilling.
— Liz Wheeler (@Liz_Wheeler) October 31, 2023
She demolished the Hamas Propaganda in 56 seconds
— Rishi Bagree (@rishibagree) October 31, 2023
I’m starting to become convinced that Israel has more supporters inside Iran/in its diaspora, than on the average college campus. Two peoples who know a thing or two about terrorism.
— Yael Bar tur (@yaelbt) November 1, 2023
Real recognize real ✌️
Thank you, Donny, for laying this out so very simply. Or at least, what should be so very simple, unless you’re a brainwashed college student.
— Yoni Pollak (@YoniPollak) October 31, 2023
Because Penn is notorious for hosting anti-Muslim conferences and events. This is more offensive than Magill doing nothing. It shows complete political and messaging strategy on the university’s part and zero accountability for enabling antisemitism.
— Richard Goldberg (@rich_goldberg) November 1, 2023
“Shame on these university heads and leadership at these schools […] when it comes to the issue of antisemitism there’s always this veiled ‘well, it’s complicated’”every word from the brilliant @biannagolodryga on @CNN
— Yonit Levi (@LeviYonit) October 31, 2023
1. Jay Sures, a University of California Regent — which is the governing board for the entire University of California system — has responded to a letter from the UC Ethnic Studies Faculty Council.
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 1, 2023
The Ethnic Studies Council’s letter condemned the University of California’s…
Yale Daily News returned my article to original form. Does that make the initial change any less insidious? No. Does it prove that public opinion can hold our institutions accountable, not allowing them to defend or deny anti-Jewish murderers? Yes.
— Sahar Tartak🇮🇱 (@sahar_tartak) October 31, 2023
The @yaledailynews has issued a statement regarding its editor's notes: "The News was wrong to publish the corrections."
— Zach Kessel (@zach_kessel) October 31, 2023
Publish every name of the pro-Hamas protesters in our cities and universities. They are siding with terrorists who chant “death to America.”
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) November 1, 2023
That is unacceptable.
Cornel West has gone full antisemite. Don’t just read the tweet. Watch the video. “75 years” means he is opposed to the existence of the state of Israel. This man was my professor at Harvard. I adored him. He called me “brother” (he calls everyone “brother”). He wants Jews dead.
— Joel Pollak (@joelpollak) October 31, 2023
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 1, 2023
Mr @Hunter_Weiss ran into a guy in New York City who was destroying posters of kidnapped Israeli civilians.
Mr. Weiss told him that what he was does wasn’t very nice.
The guy lost it and made a fool of
Meet Myles Timko - a self described "science-loving queer commie".
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 1, 2023
When Myles is not tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli children, he's tutoring kids in NYC.
We strongly urge you to re-examine your relationship with this antisemite @heytutor
ALERT - ICU Nurse Sam (Samar) Suleiman in Norway proudly displays his 'Hamas' tattoo while praising the terror group online.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 1, 2023
Please contact Aaslesund Hospital staff to voice concern for his Jewish patients:
- Guri Viken:
- Hege Hegle:…
UPDATE: Lallia Allali, wife of Imam Taha Hassane of the Islamic Center of San Diego, has been fired from her position at the University of San Diego.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 1, 2023
Allali taught in the School of Leadership and Educational Sciences.
Meet Mehak Quereshi, a UX designer in London whose goal is clean the world of Jews.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 1, 2023
Ayah Osman admitting to her entire class the above atrocious statement.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 31, 2023
Upper West Side NYC - “f*ck you and f*ck Israel” … other woman “f*ck you b*tch … f*ck you and Israel” while both tearing down posters of kidnapped Israeli children taken by Hamas terrorists.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 31, 2023
Help identify them!
We are disgusted to see Vogue staffer Laia Garcia-Furtado hold up a pro Hamas sticker in her mouth that reads “resist by any means possible”.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 31, 2023
This message references the brutal Hamas attack on Israeli civilians in which they beheaded babies, raped women, and shot the elderly…
Young woman in Amsterdam, Netherlands destroys posters of Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 31, 2023
When asked why, she answers:
“Because Israel doesn’t exist”
NYC - this truck was spotted driving around Manhattan last night.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 1, 2023
It appears to have plate 58140-M3.
And so it begins…
— playteaux (@playteaux) October 28, 2023
Philly Palestine Coalition desperately tries to recreate Kristallnacht with its boycott list of Jewish businesses; the comments hilariously treat it as a handy restaurant guide
— Nicole Levitt (@LevittNicole7) October 31, 2023
Who else spoke about Jews as Marx did? The Nazis. This is an excerpt from a speech given by Joseph Goebbels in 1933.
— Ian McKelvey (@ian_mckelvey) October 31, 2023
“Antisemitism is really a hatred of capitalism.”
— Ian McKelvey (@ian_mckelvey) October 31, 2023
Let that sink in. It’s not the political right that calls for the destruction of capitalism. No. It’s leftists. The sand leftists that call right wingers “Nazis.” This is a lethal dose of irony.
“But fascism is right wing!”
— Ian McKelvey (@ian_mckelvey) October 31, 2023
Let’s consult one of the most infamous fascists.
“It was inevitable that I should become a socialist, indeed a communist. I carried about a medallion with Marx’s head on it in my pocket. I think I regarded it as a sort of talisman… Marx had a…
The pro-murder, pro-kidnapping mob is targeting and harassing Jewish students at @Harvard.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 1, 2023
Leftist rioters in Cambridge, Mass. targeting an Israeli security defense company at a direct action were arrested on Oct. 30.
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) October 31, 2023
Noting this by @pwafork - if universities are going to facilitate protests that are little more than anti Jewish jamborees (or worse) then there are other infinitely more worthy recipients for your donations
— Gray Connolly (@GrayConnolly) October 31, 2023
The QUNTS at “IfNotNowOrg”accidentally posted a tweet which unequivocally called out antisemitic incidents and the targeting of J*ws.
— Qunts News Network (@QuntsNews) November 1, 2023
Shortly after, they realised their mistake as off-brand and alienating for other QUNTS, so deleted it quick-sharpish.
Update: I have spoken to @WinColl today and they assure me — as their recent statement has made clear — that the proposed cancellation was not endorsed by the leadership and there’s no reason the event can’t go ahead. On the whole, they say, they have fostered balanced and…
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) October 31, 2023
This Israeli designer has been dropped by 2 online retail outlets for comparing Hamas to Isis. That is the "anti-Palestinian" sentiment referred to in the headline below. Time to show Dodo Bar Or some love. You can shop her line here:
— Linda Frum (@LindaFrum) October 31, 2023
The post was deleted . Lol
— Daniel Bordman (@Ranting4Canada) October 31, 2023
Fun times in streamer drama
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 1, 2023
Amazing to see this happen so quickly.
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) October 31, 2023
This is what I do now every time I see someone moralizing about this war. All I want to know is how you reacted to its inciting incident. Spoiler alert: The number of times I saw one of these people truly bothered on Oct 7 can be counted on one hand with some change left over.
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 1, 2023
These are your first two tweets after October 7th, you demon.
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) October 31, 2023
What Rockets? International Media Blind to Hamas Missiles Raining Down on Israel
LA Times Owner’s Daughter Says Journalists Should Call Israel ‘Apartheid’ State
NPR Misleads Millions with Biased Coverage of Israel-Hamas War
The Guardian’s coverage and my colleagues’ comments mean I don’t feel safe at work
Hey @theage @smh, can you explain how getting shot in the back of the head by #Hamas terrorists at a music festival can be interpreted as ‘caught in the crossfire’? Appalling ‘journalism’. #ReleaseTheHostagesNow
— Ari Suss (@AriSuss) October 31, 2023
Here @BBCWorld explains they translate Hamas 'Kill JEWS' as 'Kill Israelis.' "We need to translate what the speaker means to say not the literal words". Absurd! Like accepting Hamas cadres as trustworthy BBC stringers. BBC protects Hamas fr itself. Translate what they say
— S Sebag Montefiore (@simonmontefiore) November 1, 2023
While anti-Israel mobs at Dagestan airports hunt Jews to kill, the media goes with these headlines:
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 1, 2023
- @washingtonpost: "Protesters Storm Russian Airport To Try To Block Plane From Tel Aviv"
- @nytimes: "Mob Storms Plane Arriving in Russia From Tel Aviv, Authorities Say"
- @AP:…
It's the literal meme of our antisemtic intersectionality is good while their Nazi antisemitism is bad.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 1, 2023
Imagine thinking that this was ok to write.
— Nicole Lampert (@nicolelampert) November 1, 2023
Actually, @KayBurley:
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 1, 2023
- Every army in the world uses phosphorous smoke shells
- The laws of war allow them to be used to create a smokescreen to cover troop movements
- Israel does NOT use phosphorous as a weapon
But you weren't interested in hearing @LTCPeterLerner's answer.
It's frightening when @MustafaBarghoti is platformed on @BBCWorld as a moderate. There's no comparison between Israeli airstrikes & the Hiroshima nuclear bomb & Barghouti is wilfully blind or a liar when he claims no Hamas terrorists are hiding behind civilian infrastructure.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 1, 2023
.@DailyMirror blames Israel for the lack of tourists in Palestinian areas & incites by falsely claiming Israel has "devastated Jesus' birthplace."
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 1, 2023
There are no tourists in the Holy Land thanks to a war that Hamas, not Israel, started on Oct. 7.
4.8M views and nearly 100K reposts for contemporary blood libel. Fact check: this baby was killed by an Islamic Jihad rocket that was aimed at Israeli civilians but fell short and hit the al Ahli hospital parking area in Gaza.@elonmusk's @X has become an antisemitic hotbed and…
— GnasherJew®גנאשר #IStandWithIsrael (@GnasherJew) November 1, 2023
American TikTok Star Claims Hamas ‘Cares About Your Kids’ On Channel That Spreads Anti-Israel Propaganda
4.8M views and nearly 100K reposts for contemporary blood libel. Fact check: this baby was killed by an Islamic Jihad rocket that was aimed at Israeli civilians but fell short and hit the al Ahli hospital parking area in Gaza.@elonmusk's @X has become an antisemitic hotbed and…
— GnasherJew®גנאשר #IStandWithIsrael (@GnasherJew) November 1, 2023
The Hostages are not free to speak their mind. They have been kidnapped, by force.
— George Deek (@GeorgeDeek) November 1, 2023
Anything unclear about that, @nytimes?
Reading the BBC updates is sickening. The journos fall over themselves to push anti-Israel propaganda.
— David Collier (@mishtal) November 1, 2023
Look at this one: 120 dead in the camp! Yesterday -even the Hamas PR machinery said 50. Not good enough for the BBC. They found someone to say 120 - so 120 dead it became.
It was only about two weeks ago the UN announced that Hamas had stolen a shipment of fuel but then speedily deleted the announcement. No one with any experience covering UNRWA needs to ask why
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) November 1, 2023
The Project caught openly lying in an attempt to portray terrorists in a positive light.
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) October 31, 2023
Is there no requirement for honesty in the Australian media?
Ori Megidish was rescued by Israeli special forces not released by Hamas terrorists.
After 6 years and 137 cartoons published I’ve quit @PrivateEyeNews
— Zoom Rockman (@The_ZoomComic) November 1, 2023
Following their incendiary cover of issue 1609 I received a death threat which I made them aware of and received no response.
Another two Jewish stumbling stones defaced in Rome
A Jewish French woman cries after she discovers that Jewish homes and business in her neighborhood in Paris were targeted overnight by people drawing Stars of David on their property.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 31, 2023
Via @ImMeme0
Paris metro, antisemitic protesters.
— Michael Weingardt (@Michael_Wgd) November 1, 2023
“Fxxk the Jews and Fxxk your mother, Long live Palestine Yeah Yeah, Fxxk the Jews and the grandmothers, We’re Nazis and proud”#TheWestIsNext#NeverAgainIsNow#HamasislSIS
They slipped and fell?
— Australian Jewish Association (@AustralianJA) October 31, 2023
Vienna: During the night, a fire was set at the Jewish part of the Central Cemetery (IV Gate). The vestibule of the ceremonial hall is burnt out. Swastikas were spray-painted on outer walls. No one was injured. The fire brigade and police are investigating.
— Michael Weingardt (@Michael_Wgd) November 1, 2023
‼️ Miami, FL area - Hallandale Beach and Hollywood police have released a BOLO alert for Daniel Castro after he was spotted at several Synagogues in the area spewing profanities and making antisemitic remarks.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) October 31, 2023
Just your run-of-the-mill Halloween shenanigans in a Jewish neighborhood / at the rabbi’s house on Long Island
— Dani Klein 🌎 YeahThatsKosher (@YeahThatsKosher) October 31, 2023
The Jews were expelled from England 733 years ago tonight.
— Tanya Gold (@TanyaGold1) October 31, 2023
The Israeli flags outside his Greek diner prompted a boycott. Then Jewish eaters came to his rescue.
🇮🇱@noah_schnapp, we couldn't have said it better ourselves. #StandWithIsrael #IsraelUnderAttack#HamasMassacre#HamasIsISIS
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) October 31, 2023
Thank you, Regina Spektor, for your moral clarity. 👏#HamasMassacre#HamasIsISIS
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) October 31, 2023
Yemeni Jews of the Israeli Army dancing traditional Yemeni dances.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 1, 2023
The Houthi rebels in Yemen have announced that they will continue to fire cruise missiles and suicide drones toward Israel.
Artists behind viral campaign to free the hostages ‘Bring them home’ campaign representing Israeli hostages showcased at Federation Square
Dozens of red balloons and pairs of shoes have been set up in Melbourne's Federation Square as part of an installation calling for the release of more than 200 Israeli hostages taken by Hamas.
The ‘Bring them home’ campaign has around 240 red balloons each tied to a pair of shoes representing a person who has been taken by Hamas on October 7.
There are five white balloons on the edge of the installation which represent the five people who have so far been released by the terrorist organisation.
The ‘Bring them home’ campaign is a global campaign and is currently in Melbourne to spread recognition and support in calling for Hamas to release the remaining hostages.
The youngest hostage is a nine-month-old baby boy while the oldest hostage is an 85-year-old man.
Lior Eshel, a dedicated senior medic at MDA (Israel's national emergency medical service), begins his morning shift in an ambulance displaying a photo of his niece, Roni, who was kidnapped to Gaza.
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) November 1, 2023
Our hearts are with Lior and his family, along with the 239 abductees in #Gaza.…
This is Israel. This is resilience 💙🇮🇱.
— Israel ישראל 🇮🇱 (@Israel) November 1, 2023
Israeli Jews, Arabs and Muslims come together in Tel Aviv to collect and distribute supplies to Bedouin and Jewish communities hit by Hamas terrorists.
'Sing it out, boys': Dee Snider reacts to IDF playing 'We're Not Gonna Take It'
OCTOBER 31, 2023 1:55 PM
ראיתם, את הקעקוע החדש של אייל גולן?
— מה חדש.❓ (@Gloz111) October 30, 2023
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