
Thursday, July 06, 2023

Israeli Hospitals Perform Genocide On Arab Bacteria

 Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Haifa, July 6 - Human rights activists accused the Jewish State today of exterminating indigenous groups, in particular the microfauna that populate the interior of Arab bodies, with the death toll exceeding more than a billion lives per day, the activists allege.

Doctors Without Borders, B'tselem, Human Rights Watch, and several smaller groups made the claims yesterday and today in a coordinated campaign to raise awareness of the day-in, day-out massacres of Arab bacteria and other microorganisms by Israeli health care workers by various brutal means: antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-fungal agents, and external detergent materials such as anti-microbial soaps.

"The daily mass killing can only be described as a genocide," stated Btselem spokesman Aretha Meisin. "The indigenous microbiome of this land, dating all the way back to prehistoric times, faces daily killing on the order of tens of billions, maybe hundreds of billions, per week - all at the hand of Israel's 'health care' system, which pursues the extermination of Arab microorganisms at a rate that can only be called ruthless."

"The fact that it's medical personnel," added Human Rights Watch Israel-Palestine specialist Omar Shakir, "makes it all the more heinous. These people assert their supposed supremacy and superiority over vast swaths of biota and condemn them to chemically-induced death, with an efficiency and death toll that would put the Nazis to shame. The Nazis also poisoned their victims in the gas chambers, but they didn't kill nearly as many."

"It's not only in the clinical setting where such cruelty is manifest," observed Doctors Without Borders activist Louis Posterieur. "Israel has a plethora of government-funded facilities constantly pioneering more efficient ways to perpetrate this ongoing genocide. the Weizmann Institute of Science. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with Hadassah Hospital. That's just the most prominent ones. Every hospital in the country has laboratories for determining what substances will do the best job of killing most indigenous Arab microbes in the shortest time - while leaving Jewish bodies, often belonging to illegal settlers, healthy in the end."

The activists also accused major international players of bankrolling and benefiting from the lethal research, and even rewarding it with prestigious prizes and grants. They called on governing bodies of scientific and medical organizations to sanction Israeli institutions and official organs of government, plus whomever else in Israel, just in case, to prevent further genocide.

Some of the activists compared the ongoing genocide to Zionist activities a century ago to drain swampland around the country, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of millions of Arab mosquitoes and of billions of innocent malaria pathogens.

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Read all about it here!