
Monday, May 08, 2023

Palestinians call on UNESCO to stop a Jewish settlement to save a historic site - where they build all over

Wafa reports:
Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh called on the "UNESCO" organization to intervene to prevent the Israeli occupation authorities from establishing a settlement site adjacent to the village of Sebastia, whose establishment would cause severe damage to the historical site in the village.
I don't know if this is true, or specifically where such a settlement would be built. ("Sebastia" is a Roman renaming of Shomron - which is Samaria.)

However, Shtayyeh's appeal to UNESCO implies that any people moving to the area would cause great damage to the historic value of the area, which includes finds from the Israelite, Greek and Roman periods. 

Yet if you look at photos of the region, you see Palestinian villages and buildings built haphazardly all over the supposedly sacrosanct historic area. 

Zooming in on the area of the Roman amphitheater shows it is surrounded by newer buildings only meters away:

There must be a gene that Jews have that ensure that Jewish building destroys historic archaeological sites, while Palestinian Arabs don't cause any damage whatsoever. 

How else can we explain that Shtayyeh thinks that only Jewish settlement is a danger to archaeological sites? He couldn't be a bigot, could he?

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