
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Islamic Jihad killing Gazans with misfired rockets

FDD reports:

Rockets launched at Israel by Iran-backed Islamic Jihad on May 10 killed four Palestinian civilians, three of them children, after falling short within the Gaza Strip, Israeli tracking data showed. According to the information published on May 11, which is drawn from the same advanced radar surveillance that allows Israel to intercept salvoes crossing into its territory, one misfired rocket killed Rami Shadi Hamdan, 16, and Ahmed Muhammad a-Shabaki, 51, in the Gaza border town of Beit Hanoun. In another incident, a failed launch killed Layan Bilal Mohammad Abdullah Mdoukh, a 10-year-old girl, and Yazan Jawdat Fathi Elayyan, 16, in Gaza City.

Footage released by the IDF Spokesman’s Office showed a volley of rockets from Gaza during which three of the projectiles can be seen dropping from the sky soon after terrorists fired them

PCHR, as biased against Israel as possible, still understands that these civilians are probably killed by Islamic Jihad.

Ahmed Mohammed al-Shebaki (50) was killed and his wife Yusra Othman al-Shebaki (50) was seriously injured after a missile fell on their house in Qleibo area in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade missile.

Moreover, Yazan Jawdat ‘Eliyan (16) and Layan Belal Mohammed Modawikh (8) were killed and 12 others, including 2 children and 2 women, were injured after a missile fell on a 5-storey house on al-Sahaba Street in Gaza City. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade missile.

In addition, 13 Palestinians were injured, including 2 women and 5 children; one seriously injured, after a missile fell on a house in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza Strip. PCHR is still investigating the incident, as initial information raises suspicion that it might be a homemade missile.
Notice how the "pro-Palestinian" crowd becomes silent when it is discovered that their heroes murdered the people they claim to care about. (Although, usually, they claim Israel killed the kids anyway.)

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