
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

75 years ago, Arabs used the "sacred" Mamilla Cemetery as a base to fire at Jews

Back in 2010, Palestinians were screaming that Israel planned to build the Museum of Tolerance on top of graves at the Mamilla Cemetery in Jerusalem. How dare Israel disrespect this holy site, with ancient Muslim figures?

They were lying - there were no graves being disturbed;; they had been moved years beforehand. 

At the time, I discovered that the Supreme Muslim Council of Jerusalem had deconsecrated the cemetery in 1945 and planned to build a business park there. So it wasn't sacred in 1945 either.

Afterwards, I found out that in the 1930s the Mufti of Jerusalem had once directed sewage pipes from a hotel he owned into this supposedly "sacred" cemetery.

If you need even more evidence that Palestinian Arabs claim sites that they disrespect themselves become :"sacred" when Jews step foot on them, 75 years ago the Arab fighters in Jerusalem used the cemetery as a base of operations numerous times.

February 8, 1948:

April 22, 1948:

April  24, 1948:

April 25, 1948:

When Gaza terrorists shoot rockets from cemeteries, they are following in the noble traditions of their forefathers in 1948 Jerusalem.

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Read all about it here!