
Friday, June 10, 2022

Academic David Miller thinks that a Chabad youth group is a literal army of Jews against Gentiles

This curdles David Miller's blood

David Miller, the disgraced academic whose attacks on Jewish students got him fired from the University of Bristol last year, wrote a follow-up to his antisemitic thread last month that doubles down on his hate of Jews.

Even though he was heavily criticized for saying in that thread that Chabad Lubavitch was an extremist group that had "occupied" and built "settlements" in Palestine as early as 1777, he responded that Chabad is behind virtually all "price tag" attacks and has advocated murdering non-Jews - both of which are absurd lies.  Miller's out of context and cherry picked examples (like "The King's Torah" controversy) are of people whose links to Chabad are either nonexistent or tenuous.

One of his tweets defending calling Chabad a violent, extremist and racist group  includes a link to a video of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe launching a youth group, "Tzivos Hashem." Miller describes this video as "blood-curdling" and proof that the group is "dedicated to waging war against non-Judaism."

Blood-curdling? Only if the sight of Jews in beards and Jewish children singing makes you blanch.

The video explains exactly what Tzivos Hashem is and why it has that name - in its own words to children, "You see, this Army is very special! You children are its soldiers and officers, and the Commander-in-Chief is G-d Himself. That’s why it’s called the Army of Hashem. By learning the Torah and keeping its Mitzvos, you are fighting the battle against the Yetzer Horah (the Evil Inclination) to bring peace and light into the world."

When the Rebbe says that the "army" would wage war against "non-Judaism ['nit Yiddishkeit'] and the Evil Inclination," Miller absurdly interprets "non-Judaism" as meaning a war against all Gentiles. (He doesn't quote the "evil inclination" part.) The purpose of the group is to instill pride in Judaism and to strengthen Jewish children's education and observance, and the Rebbe's phrase was obviously meant that it will help children withstand secular influences as they grow up - not to fight non-Jews!

Only a true, dyed in the wool antisemite can watch that video, take that phrase out of context, and then claim that this youth group is "dedicated to waging war against non-Judaism." 

I can't wait to hear how Miller interprets Chabad's "Mitzvah Tanks."

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Read all about it here!