
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Surveys show that extreme hate of Zionism goes hand in hand with classic Jew-hatred

The New Zealand Jewish Council is releasing a survey of antisemitic attitudes in that country early Wednesday morning NZT. 

As with similar surveys done over the past decade, a series of questions are asked to tease out whether the respondent has antisemitic and anti-Zionist opinions. 

The survey found a high correspondence between those who have the most anti-Zionist views and those who have the most classical antisemitic views:

Twenty one percent of New Zealanders held two or more classical antisemitic views (out of eight questions), and 25% held two or more Zionophobic views (out of seven). This survey found there is a relationship between those holding Zionophobic views and those who hold classical antisemitic views. It shows the more extreme anti-Israel sentiment someone has, the more classical antisemitic tropes they will believe in, and vice versa. For example, there is only a 25% chance that someone who holds four classical antisemitic views will hold no anti-Israel antisemitic views, and only a 29% chance that someone who holds four anti-Israel antisemitic views will hold no classical antisemitic views. This is consistent with a United Kingdom study which also showed a clear empirical link between the two forms of antisemitism.
 I had seen the high level results of the UK survey but hadn't seen that analysis of the link between  classic antisemitic attitudes and anti-Israel attitudes. 

The nexus where classic antisemitism and anti-Zionism meet is perhaps in the questions comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. In the New Zealand survey, 12% agreed that "Israeli government policies are similar to those of the Nazi regime," in the latest UK survey, 24% agreed that “Israel treats the Palestinians like the Nazis treated the Jews” - which is down from the 31% who agreed in 2019!

One other question asked in New Zealand but not asked in the UK is also another indication of where left-wing antisemitism mirrors classic antisemitism:  14% agreed that "Jews have White privilege."

(Out of partial respect for the embargo, I'm not reproducing the major results of the survey here.)

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Read all about it here!