
Monday, January 03, 2022

A Palestinian judge is assassinated amid recent "security chaos"

The body of  Montaser Balawi, 51, a military judge in the Palestinian Authority, was found at dawn Sunday with a bullet to his head.

His body was found inside his home in Tulkarm.

Palestinian media is calling this part of recent "security chaos" in the West Bank which has recently escalated. There have been several little-reported armed clashes. 

Palestinians are upset at the police because they are perceived as protecting Israel instead of protecting them. The proof, to them, is that the police saved the lives of two Hasidic Israelis who accidentally drove into Ramallah. The crowd attacked them and torched their car but the police rescued them. According to Palestinian media now, Palestinians are angry that they weren't allowed to rip the two Jews apart. 

Similarly, Hamas media also complains that the PA arrests Hamas terrorists who are planning attacks against Jews, and it tries to incite people into being angry at police for doing their jobs, which contributes to this "security chaos."