
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

What Would Happen to the Arabs in an Iranian Strike on Israel and Why Doesn’t Anyone Care? (Judean Rose)

Iran, and the nuclear deal it never signed, pose an existential threat to the Jews of Israel. But the Jews aren’t the only people who would die if Iran were to nuke the Jewish State. Millions of Arabs would die as well. Why does no one—not even the Arabs—speak of or write about this? Shouldn’t they be calling on Iran not to attack because of the possibility that many Arabs and Muslims might also be killed? 

“It's worrying that no one raises the issue,” says Khaled Abu Toameh, distinguished senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute. “It's because they would love to see Iran attack and destroy Israel.”

Nonetheless, the Arabs have long been seen as hapless victims, expendable in the war against the Jews. It is a sad fact that many of those who fled Israel on the eve of the War of Independence, never received citizenship from their host countries. For almost 74 years, they and their descendants have been kept stateless by design. They do not enjoy the rights that average citizens take for granted. They are, instead, considered eternal refugees, until such time as the State of Israel falls, and the Jews Zionists take their leave, at last

But the Arabs are more than just simple pawns or helpless bystanders. They are an active part of the “resistance.” Unwilling to recognize Israel as a legitimate state within any borders that anyone can name, they are generally happy to engage in acts of terror to prove their commitment to being rid of the Jews Zionists, once and for all.

Until now, Iran hasn’t been a part of that conversation at all. Even the official Arab media is silent. As such, we only can guess their feelings on what an Iranian attack on Israel would mean to them. “Some would not even mind if an Iranian attack on Israel meant killing a large number of Arabs in the process,” says Abu Toameh. “For many, this would be an ‘honorable’ death for a ‘sacred and noble’ cause.”

If this attitude of the Arab man-on-the-street, it fits right in with attempts by the EU and US to resurrect the Iran “deal.” On this issue they share common ground. The EU and US are happy to abandon Israel to Iran to buy some time. Arabs, on the other hand, are thrilled to die to bring down Israel. Thus we have a match made in heaven.

Understanding this means seeing the JCPOA for what it really is. The parties do not speak of putting a stop to the nuclear ambitions of the Ayatollah, because they cannot: no one can. Instead, they speak of a delay. They pretend that a cash infusion to the tune of a $90 million bailout will somehow put a crimp in weapons production. But it is obvious that this is a completely nonsensical idea. More money to the nuclear machine only means more bombs, made faster. And we already know that Iran cheats in its quest to get the bomb. Constantly. Therefore, there must be something more in play.

That something more is Israel, or rather its elimination.

To know this, we have only to look at who is against the deal and who is for it. Israel has protested the deal all along. To Israel, the deal is no deal. It is a death sentence. Duh.

The same could be said of the Gulf States. In fact, the Abraham Accords are predicated in part, upon a mutual fear of Iran. The parties to the accords know what Iran wants. Iran wants to rule the world. Nuclear weapons can get them what they need to make that happen.

The EU and the US are not stupid. All of this is known to them. But they think they are buying time with this offering of Jews on the sacrificial (Persian) altar. And they don’t care who dies along the way. 

As such, all of us, including the EU and the US, understand exactly why Israel and the Gulf States are afraid of Iran. To an outsider, what is likely more difficult to understand is why the Arabs of Israel, the PA, and Gaza, living so close in proximity to Jewish Israelis, are not. In some cases, the Arabs are working with Iran. Hamas, for example, works with Iran. Islamic Jihad works with Iran. So do others.

It makes little sense to outsiders. Unless you are hip to the local lingo. Then you understand exactly how the stars align.

In the local lingo of “occupation,” all forms of “resistance” are “legitimate.” In this twisted context, “resistance” means “Arab terror.” Tweet about the murder of a Jewish victim, and watch the bots come out of the woodwork. They will tell you that the murder is justified, that the killing of a Jew Zionist is a “legitimate form of resistance.”

“Resistance” of this sort is not only deemed legitimate, but celebrated. In Arab villages, sweets are distributed after terror attacks.

When a terrorist dies while attempting to murder Jews, he becomes a martyr, his family the forever recipients of a monthly stipend. 

The message: we live only to rid the world of Jews—we live only to die.

If we strain to understand the psyche of the regular Arab Joe on the street, how are we to understand the ease with which the world throws him under the bus? Again, it’s all about the Jews Zionists. On campuses or the internet, excuses are made for monstrous behavior even when it kills children in a pizzeria or a woman out for a jog in the forest.

Nonprofits distribute explainers, feeding the public its lines in the “occupation” narrative. When Arabs die while eliminating the Jews, they turn into heroes in the blink of an eye. Jews say kaddish for Arabs who murder other Jews on a Sabbath’s Eve, when little ones hover in the dark in a closet, listening while Abba is killed.

One might say that all is fair in love and in ridding the Middle East of Jews Zionists. Because Jews, who have thousands of years of history in their indigenous territory, are supposed to give way to others, right or wrong. This, we are told, is social justice.

Killing Israeli soldiers is a legitimate form of resistance, or so we are told. This premise, once accepted, is followed by the corollary that all Israelis: men, women, and children, are soldiers, as all of them are “occupiers” who live within the borders of a land the world wants to cleanse of all its Jews, once and for all.

It is now become the norm to believe a narrative of moral untruths: that the indigenous Jewish people are “occupiers” and that murdering them wherever you find them is “legitimate resistance.” All of this is well-absorbed and well-echoed by those who wish to believe these things: the brainwashed, the academics in position to mold young minds, and the far-left Jew who just wants to be liked by others. 

For the Arabs who live in and around Israel, there is pride in the fantasy of sacrificing one’s life as a form of resistance. This fantasy is encouraged by their leadership, who cheers them on to die. The local populace, in some ways, sees itself as being alive only for the purpose of dying so that more Jews may die. Is it any wonder that they are willing to die in a nuclear war, at the hands of Iran, for the purpose of eliminating the Jewish State?

The EU and the US want to buy time and stay live, while the local Arabs want only to die. For those on the outside looking in, it seems like a match made in heaven. But it’s not. It’s closer to a pact with the devil. That being the case, they should really put a stop to this stuff before the Big Guy makes His move.