
Saturday, December 25, 2021

Nazis used to claim they weren't antisemitic

When I see modern antisemites denying that they have any problem with Jews, I am reminded that most antisemites throughout history said the same thing. 

Even the Nazis.

From wire services, March 25, 1933:

Days later, Goering even claimed that there would be a death penalty for anyone attacking Jews!

The US State Department believed Goering.

Even though, that very same day, journalists from the Manchester Guardian documented the persecution:

Only a month later, newspapers in the US showed photos proving that Goering was a liar.

A lot of people today also deny that they hate Jews. Yet the only people they want to see ethnically cleansed, or boycotted, or forcibly removed from their homes, or killed for "legitimate resistance" reasons, all happen to be Jews.

The "Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism," which says BDS is not antisemitic, would not say that Nazis in 1933 were antisemitic because they claimed they didn't attack "Jews as Jews" but merely as socialists.

And just like the Nazis, the new antisemites can point to Jews who agree with them as "proof" that they aren't antisemitic.

Right or left, the hate is the same.