
Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Palestinians might have driven out their Christians - but they want Christian tourists. (Not Jews, though.)

The number of Christians under Palestinian rule has dwindled dramatically over the years, as a result of persecution by Muslims and the idea that they can do better economically elsewhere.

But the Palestinian Authority, especially cash strapped this year, wants Christians to come to visit - especially around Christmastime in Bethlehem. 

Now consider this. The PA needs tourist cash badly. It controls some Jewish shrines, in Nablus, Jericho and elsewhere. Why aren't they trying to attract Jewish tourists?

The reason is obvious: they cannot guarantee the safety of Jewish tourists. 

If they could, Jews from Israel and abroad would visit often, buying up souvenirs and even staying in hotels.

When Jews come to visit ancient Jewish sites under PA rule, they have to go in armored buses and be protected by the army, only an very specific dates and times of day. 

If the Palestinians would embrace peace, their economy could do much better. 

They know this - and they choose not to embrace peace anyway.