
Monday, October 04, 2021

PLO leader and former advisor to Arafat: Israel threatens defense contractors, led by Jews, to give them weapons

This article in Khabar Press is more bizarre than the usual Palestinian analyses of Israel.

Bassam Abu Sharif, a former leader of the PFLP and later an advisor to Yasir Arafat, manages to contradict himself within the same paragraph, after he claimed that Naftali Bennett's UN speech was a veiled threat to Israel's - allies.
The veiled threat is not to the enemies of Israel. The clear threat is to the enemies of Israel, as defined by the Israeli leaders. Rather, the veiled threat directed by the Israeli leaders is to Israel’s allies, especially those allies who provide Israel with its water of life and its elixir, i.e. with money, weapons, and the results of advanced research that Israel boasts of being the one who invented it while it was the one who It was either stolen or given to it by American companies that are (in most cases) owned by American Jews who agree to provide Israel with their secrets for free in order to support Israel as a base for the Zionist movement.
If Israel is getting weapons technology for free from brilliant American Jews who supposedly run Lockheed, Raytheon and Boeing, why does Israel have to threaten them to give it to them?

Whatever he meant, he is peddling antisemitic conspiracy theories. 

Abu Sharif goes on to say that Israel only uses these completely unnecessary threats when the world is turning against it, to keep alive its territorial ambitions on the West Bank - and the East Bank.

He goes on to describe how close Israel is to collapse, and how it leads the world in money laundering and drug smuggling in Europe. He ends off by giving Israeli Jews some advice:
 If I were in the place of any citizen in Israel, I would start packing my bags to go home in New York, Paris, Brussels or Amsterdam.
Abu Sharif has shown a penchant for hallucinations previously. He once said that David Ben Gurion was responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and Yemenite Jews were going to assassinate Barack Obama and blame Al Qaeda.