
Monday, July 05, 2021

Gaza campers say they want to become martyrs

Al Monitor has an article on Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror camps - and they interview a couple of the campers who attended the Hamas camp.

Mohammed makes it clear that the camps are recruitment for terror groups.

Mohammed, 14, told Al-Monitor, “I joined the camp in order to defend my land against Israeli attacks and subsequently join the ranks of al-Qassam Brigades.”

He stressed that although his family does not belong to Hamas, they let him join the camp for the second time — the first time was in 2019.

“I don't find the training to be hard or inappropriate for my age. On the contrary, I want to learn more martial arts,” he said.

He pointed out that he learned how to dismantle and load weapons and shoot. He also received scouts and physical training.
As disturbing (and illegal) as that is, 12 year old Khalil shows how the kids are brainwashed to want to die:

Khalil, 12, from Gaza City who joined the summer camp for the first time, told Al-Monitor, “I will participate in the camp in order to strengthen myself and learn self-defense skills so I can fight Israel, become a martyr and go to heaven.”
Teaching kids that they should want to die is about as disgusting and immoral as it gets.

Not that "human rights" groups give a damn about that.