
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Today is Yom Hevron - Hebron Liberation Day

Yom Hevron is not as well known as Yom Yerushalayim, but perhaps it should be.

The Six Day War didn't only liberate the holiest city for Jews, but it also liberated the second holiest city - and the city that has the third holiest site as well. 

Hebron has been sacred to Jews even longer than Jerusalem was, ever since Abraham buried Sarah there.

Judea and Samaria are filled with places that Jews (and some Christians) are familiar with from childhood. It has far more Biblical sites than Israel within the Green Line. 

Bethlehem is where Rachel is buried. Shiloh is where the tabernacle (the portable proto-Temple) was kept for 369 years. Bet El is where Jacob had his famous dream. 

All of these sites, which had been Judenfrei during the 19 years of Arab rule, became available for Jews to visit and live, all soon after Jerusalem was liberated. 

It is something to celebrate - especially since much of the world wants to take them all away again.