
Thursday, March 04, 2021

University of Toronto History Department advertises a terrorist

The University of Toronto Faculty of Arts and Science - Department of History is advertising this event happening today:

On the lower left of this picture we see Ghassan Kanafani:

Kanfani was a terrorist.

He was the spokesperson for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine during the heyday of international terrorist attacks in the 1970s. 

Here he is posing with Fusako Shigenobu, founder of the Japanese Red Army terrorist group, which combined with Kanafani's PFLP to carry out the 1972 Lod Airport Massacre, killing 26 and injuring 80.

Kanafani's PFLP recruited the Japanese Red Army to launch the attack with assault rifles and grenades hidden in violin cases because Israeli security would never suspect apparent Japanese tourists. 

Among the slaughtered were 17 Christian pilgrims from Puerto Rico.

Nobody blinks at a university publishing the Kanafani picture. It is woke to celebrate a terrorist as a Palestinian hero at a Western university in an event sponsored in part by the Department of History.

There is something very, very sick about this. And the sickest part is that no one outside the Jewish community seems outraged. Instead of disgust, these sort of criticisms are looked at as Jewish touchiness rather than valid reasons for anger. 

Counterpunch published a tribute to Kanafani only last week. 

Photos of Kanafani should elicit disgust from any decent human beings. 

(h/t B'nai Brith Canada and Josh K)