
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Palestinians don't believe there will be elections - they are as sick and tired of their leaders as the rest of the Arab world is

Palestine Today reports that Palestinian social media has shown practically no interest in the announcement that Hamas and Fatah have agreed on elections later this year.

Why? because they've been lied to for so long, they don't believe a word that their leaders tell them. They don't believe that there will be elections, they don't believe that Hamas and Fatah have any interest in respecting the results, they don't believe that there will ever be unity between the West Bank and Gaza.

The article listed all the previous failed attempts to get Hamas and Fatah on the same page:

Cairo Declaration Agreement, 2005
The Prisoners Document, 2006
The Mecca Agreement, February 2007
Sana'a Declaration, March 2008
Talks after Gaza war, 2009
2010 talks
Cairo Agreement, May 2011
Doha Agreement, February 2012
Cairo Agreement, May 2012
Talks after Palestine's being called a "state" at the United Nations, January 2013
Beach Agreement 2014
Talks in Doha, 2016
Cairo Agreement, 2017
Al-Arouri and Rajoub agreement, May 2020 
Istanbul meeting, September 2020 
Cairo meeting, November 2020 
January 2021 Hamas agrees to Abbas' terms
The Arab world is sick of Hamas and Fatah. Palestinians themselves are sick of Hamas and Fatah. No one regards either group as being capable of any leadership.

And yet the EU, the UN and the US Democrats keep pretending that they can be peace partners.

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