
Monday, January 25, 2021

Anti-Israel activist warns of "Zionist" plan to divide Morocco into six parts

One of the favorite Arab antisemitic themes has always been the Jewish desire to divide their countries into tiny, indefensible states, supposedly written in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

The head of the "Moroccan Laboratory for the Struggle against Normalization," Ahmed Ohman,  has warned Moroccans against a supposed Israeli plan to cut up Morocco.

“Naturalization with the Zionist institution has reached all spheres, such as politics, economics, the arts, and sports,” Ohman said. “On the whole, Moroccans need to understand that there is no area that is not protected by Zionist invasion.

“So this is no longer normalization, this is infiltration. The plan, which aims to divide Morocco into six countries in the smallest detail, was to be published  with photos, along with their maps and flags and even their national anthems, and a secret organization which loves Israel."

Morocco already has 12 regions, so I am not sure how the six countries would be divided. But I'm sure he has a map somewhere.