
Friday, December 11, 2020

Jeremy Corbyn's Chanukah greeting shows he has no sense of irony or history

Remember when Jeremy Corbyn was exposed saying what the problem was with British Zionists?

As related in a Guardian op-ed:

Yesterday the Daily Mail showed footage of Corbyn addressing the [Palestinian Return Centre] conference, on the topic of British Zionists. He mentions an impassioned speech made at a meeting in parliament about the history of Palestine that was “dutifully recorded by the thankfully silent Zionists who were in the audience” (audience members he presumably knew nothing about). So far so bad. But it gets worse. He goes on to say that these unnamed Zionists in the audience “clearly have two problems. One is they don’t want to study history, and secondly, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don’t understand English irony either … So I think they needed two lessons, which we can perhaps help them with.”

This  year, Jeremy Corbyn tweeted Chanukah greetings:

Corbyn, whose hate for Israel and Zionism is uncontested, doesn't seem to know what Chanukah actually celebrates.

NYT, January 2, 1911

Because Chanukah is the most Zionist of holidays, celebrating the recapture of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel by the Jewish people and the defeat of their antisemitic enemies so Jews could rebuild their nation and rededicate their Temple.

Does Corbyn really support that message today?

Apparently, Jeremy Corbyn is the person who has the two problems he claimed British Jews have: he doesn't want to study history and he is clueless how ironic his statement is.

Perhaps we can help him learn those two lessons. 

I made a cartoon last night about this:

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