
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

It's all about the hate

The FBI Hate Crimes report for 2019 has been released, and - as usual - more than half of all the anti-religion hate crimes recorded are against Jews.

This year 62.7% of all hate crimes are against Jews, but since 2012 that number has averaged some 59%. This year is worse because the total number of hate crimes incidents against Jews increased from 835 to 953, a 14% increase.

People want to find easy to understand reasons for the increase in hate crimes against Jews in recent years, but that is virtually impossible. Many articles automatically blame Trump for the increase, but if that was true, one would expect a much faster increase of anti-Muslim hate crimes. In reality. anti-Muslim hate crime rates has been an almost perfect inverse of anti-Jewish rates, with the anti-Muslim rates increasing during the Obama administration and decreasing during the Trump administration:

Given that Trump is considered to be pro-Jewish and anti-Muslim, if the president exerts so much influence over hate crimes, one would expect the trends to be quite different. 

What is indisputable is that Jews are targeted far out of proportion to their population in the US, no matter who is President. 

As far as I can tell, the FBI has not embraced the IHRA definition of antisemitism in determining what an anti-Jewish hate crime is. So, if the leaders of AIPAC or the Zionist Organization of America get death threats, I don't think these would be included in the hate crime statistics.

They should be. The hate exhibited by self-declared anti-Zionists is the same as that exhibited by any other bigots.

Think about it: Among the far Left, the worst insults that one can possibly give to another person are:

* Colonialist
* Nazi
* Apartheid-enabler
* White supremacist
* Racist
* Genocidist
* Baby killer
* Islamophobe
* Antisemite
* Anti-gay
* Sexist
* Global warming denialists

The first eight of these epithets are routinely hurled at Zionists by the socialist Left. Some have tried to accuse Zionists of antisemitism as well. And the last three, which Israel cannot remotely be accused of being guilty of, are inverted into the "X-washing" meme that the only reason Israel does anything admirable is an attempt to whitewash its crimes. This proves that the irrational hate of these people is so intense that they must turn virtues into vices as well - they cannot even conceive that there is anything good one can say about Israel or Zionists. 

This is not "criticism." This is hate. The psychology behind it is every bit as irrational as any kind of bigotry. 

And it is impossible to say that the irrational hate of one nation, which outweighs the hate of any other nation, has nothing to do with the fact that that nation is filled with and controlled by Jews.

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