
Tuesday, July 07, 2020

"Jews are our dogs" chanted at "Day of Rage" protest in Canada

On Saturday, July 4, 2020 “Mississauga Protest for Palestine” was held at Celebration Square in Mississauga, Ontario.

The organizer “Sauga for Palestine” was recently created by “a group of students who are passionate about Palestine and want their voices heard” and to show their “support for Palestine & make a statement against Israel & it’s illegal practices.” CD4HR’s Firas Al-Najim participated in the protest. Protesters waved Palestinian and red Socialist Action flags, no Canadian flags were present.

The protesters chanted:

Praise Allah. Allah is the Greatest
Free free Palestine
Palestine will never die
Long live Palestine
Palestine will be free from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea
We will sacrifice [redeem] our soul and blood for Palestine [Originally in Arabic]
Martyrs by the millions march to [Al-Quds] Jerusalem [Originally in Arabic]
We may die but Palestine will live [Originally in Arabic]
Palestine is our country and the Jews are our dogs [Originally in Arabic]

The Arabic for that last line, which you can hear on the video and which is obviously well known to the protesters, is "FALASTEEN BLADNA W EL YAHOOD KLABNA."

Here's the video.

Will any leftist Jewish group object to being called their dogs?

Of course not. Dhimmis don't have the right to object to what their overlords say.

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