
Friday, June 05, 2020

Fatah threatens violence against “settlers”–and against anyone who speaks to an Israeli



Abbas Zaki, a member of Fatah’s Central Committee, said, “In the coming days, you will see a noticeable change in the resistance, the approach, the institutions and the individuals, and we will cut the intestines of the apartheid state with peaceful popular resistance.

"If we decide to confront, we will make all the settlers hide in burrows, and the settlers will not feel safe," he said.

It wasn’t only settlers that he threatened. He threatened Palestinians as well.

The Palestinian people who are still in contact with the occupation and suspicious destinations – the fifth column - will be severely punished,” he said, stressing that the consequences of speaking with Israeli Jews “will be dire.”

Zaki also said that Fatah invited other terror groups to join them. “We tell our brothers in the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements: The time for truth has come, you asked us to stop security coordination with America and Israel, and now we stopped it, and we are waiting for your response.”